Friday, January 25

9-11 Truth And The Holocaust

Andrew Silvera

9-11 Truth And
The Holocaust
By Wendy Campbell
24 January, 2008
The American public's passive support for allowing
our government's unconditional support for the
Jewish supremacist state of Israel would surely
be jeopardized and undermined if further
investigation of 9-11Truth in fact reveals undeniable
proof that not only did Israeli operatives LET it
happen, they MADE it happen. Only the
guilty need be worried.

It is in the best interests of all people of conscience
to demand only Truth wherever it leads us because
the Truth will set us free. To some people, the
Truth is inconvenient to their agenda. But isn't
that just too bad.

In closing, I believe that all Americans of all creeds,
religions, ethnicities and races, should demand
that the US government treat racist, apartheid
Israel in the exact same manner that racist,
apartheid South Africa was – with boycotts
and sanctions until Israel indeed transforms
into a true secular democracy with completely
equal rights for all regardless of religion, race,
ethnicity, creed or gender, and that the Palestinian
refugees' inalienable Right to Return to their
ancestral homeland of Palestine-Israel as
complete equals be honoured, and that
Israel and the US must give Palestinians
reparations as well.

This is in the best interest of the entire world.

For a lot more documentaries on 9 -11 and other issues like Palestine
check out the disclosure

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