Wednesday, May 7

Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955

Part 1

Though the authors of H.R. 1955 would likely deny that the bill could be used to crack down on free speech and legitimate political opposition, the talking heads on the main stream networks have made it very clear that they would like this kind of legislation to do just that.
Can H.R. 1955 be used to silence the voices of dissent? Let's have a look.

Part 2

Silencing dissenters is nothing new. During the "Red Scare" our authoritarian rulers used the label of "communist sympathizer" to coerce and intimidate the nation to into uniform silence. Like good children, we are to be seen and not heard. The House Un-American Activities Committee and McCarthyism have been pulled back out of the closet to fight a new enemy, "Homegrown Extremists". Are H.R. 1955 and S. 1959 the greatest dangers to the freedom of speech, press, and assembly since the HUAC and Sen. Joseph McCarthy? Let's have a look...

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