Saturday, November 17

Confirmed: Israel is using internationally-banned weapons most likely using Gaza as a testing ground yet again

GAZA, (PIC)– Union of Health Care Committees (UHCC) charged that the Israeli occupation was deliberately targeting the children and women of Gaza by using internationally prohibited weapons.
We brought the suggestion after hearing from Harry Fear who is inside Gaza
UHCC reported in a press statement on Saturday that such large numbers of dead and injured children in the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza demonstrates the clear Israeli targeting of civilians particularly innocent children.
The Israeli targeting of children and women is a flagrant violation of all international norms and conventions, UHCC said, calling on human rights and humanitarian organizations and the World Health Organization and UNICEF to protect the children of Palestine from being targeted by the occupation”.
The union expressed deep concern because of the use of the internationally prohibited weapons by the Israeli army in total violation of the international laws.
Meanwhile, the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, considered the targeting of the home of Salah family northern Gaza Strip where 30 Palestinians were wounded as an evidence of the systematic targeting of civilians.
Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the movement, said in a written statement on Saturday that “targeting Salah family’s home and other houses, bears witness to the systematic Israeli targeting of Palestinian civilians.”
The Israelis will pay a heavy price for their government’s crimes that crossed all lines,” he added.

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