Wednesday, December 5

How Bad Does IT Have To Get For People To Do The Slightest Little Thing to Support The People of Gaza & Palestine?

There are many online groups that say they support Palestine.
There are thousands & thousands that say they support Palestinian Issues.

Here is one way to support the people in Palestine, Join with the many groups and people and support the End The Siege on The Gaza Strip.

At last look there were only 720 or so signatures on what is suposed
to be an urgent petition regards a Siege on the Gaza Strip.

At last glance Gaza is supposed to be in Palestine & now there
is another petition to help stop the crisis in Gazan hospitals
- how bad does it have to get for people
to do even the slightest little thing for support of the people of Gaza.

Please help to build these causes, if you are a member of any group online please promote these petitions,
if you haven't already signed, then please do: URGENT Petition:



Since Israeli government declared Gaza as "hostile entity" on 19th
September 2007,Israel blocks delivery of essential medicines to Gaza
Strip and doesn't allow Palestinian patients to go outside of Gaza
for urgent treatment.

The United Nations, The World Health Organisation and Physicians for
Human Rights have condemned Israel for this situation, but Israeli
government is still continue to its policy and Palestinian patients
are slowly dying in front of the world.

All the victims of this humanitarian crisis are innocent civilians,
and many of them are children. For example in 14th November 2007, 6
months old Palestinian baby Sina al-Hajj died because Israeli government
didn't allow her to cross Gaza border for geting treatment.

Palestinian MP Jamal Al Khudari said now there are more than a
thousand Palestinian patients in urgent need of treatment who are not
allowed to leave Gaza.

Please sign this petition to call the United Nations and the Israeli
government to allow the Palestinian patients having treatment outside
of Gaza:


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