Tuesday, August 21

Terrorists & Thugs in High Office

                    Foreign Secretary William Hague (L) and US Secretary
                    of State Hillary Clinton (file photo)Murder, sabotage, bribery, contract killings -- and that’s just the behavior of Western political leaders and their Arab allies. Forget the fancy titles, manners and clothes -- ongoing violence in Syria shows that the foreign policy of these powers is being conducted by terrorists and thugs in high offices.
The latest display of criminality in high office is the call by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius for the “smashing” of Syria and the killing of its president, Bashar al-Assad. The words may have been spoken with an eloquent French accent, but their practical meaning has all the savagery of cold-blooded bludgeoning.
What we are seeing is a descent into barbarism and an open embrace of international lawlessness -- by the same governments that appoint themselves to lecture the rest of the world on the principles of democracy and human rights.

"The State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens." - Leo Tolstoy

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