Tuesday, May 8

U.S. Cong. brags about funding for ‘Jewish State of Israel’ while Americans loose more jobs and go homeless

WRH - Congressman Rothman: Nearly $1 Billion for Missile and Rocket Defense Systems for Israel

Highest Single-Year Appropriation Ever for Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow 

May 7, 2012 
CONTACT: Aaron Keyak
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cell: (202) 905-6361
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Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Rothman (NJ-9), a member of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, released the following statement: 
Today, I am proud to announce that $947 million has been appropriated toward Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow for the coming year. These rocket and missile defense systems allow Israel the ability to protect its civilians while giving its leaders the strategic space and time to take the appropriate action to root out terrorists and carefully plan their next steps.

President Obama, Chairman Bill Young, and all of the members of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee understand how important it is to be at the cutting edge of anti-missile technology, both to safeguard our own citizens and troops as well as the citizens and troops of the Jewish State of Israel.

This funding level is the highest ever appropriated in a single year for these life-saving programs. Given the concern and attention that we are focusing now on every dollar we are expending on behalf of the US taxpayer for all purposes, including the defense of the America and its allies, this appropriation shows how vitally important these systems are for our nation’s national security. 

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