Monday, August 22



Glenn Beck’s ‘Traveling Circus’ is back in town drumming up hatred towards the Palestinians. He even shed a tear or two for poor lil Israel. The timing couldn’t be more perfect as far as Israel is concerned, everything and anything must be done to create an atmosphere of distrust and fear. Jon Voight is also here on a return visit, spending his days ‘cheering up’ terror victims in the southern part of the country.
Don’t get me wrong, despite what some of you might think, DesertPeace does not support terrorism in any form by anyone. We are merely trying to point out the limits Israel will go to in order to prevent Palestinian Independence. As the date approaches when that will become a reality, Israel will do everything in its power to garner support for its positions, both inside and out of its borders. We will be here to counter their lies.
Last night at the local commercial centre in my community, all televisions were tuned to reports about the ‘bombings’ in the south. Images of Shimon Peres visiting bereaved families were among the reports. NOT A WORD ABOUT THE ONGOING MASSACRE IN GAZA. That’s not newsworthy apparently.
Aside from that, Israelis living in Jerusalem got a taste of what Palestinians go through every day of the year last night. Roadblocks and checkpoints were set up throughout the city and at major entrances as police attempt to thwart a suspected terrorist attack in the near future. Needless to say, quite a nuisance to commuters rushing home after a day’s work.
But, getting back to the commercial centre; what were people talking about? Not Glenn Beck or Jon Voight’s visits, not the situation in the south, not the roadblocks either…. the ‘talk of the town’ was about the inneficiency of the new light rail which started operations in Jerusalem on Friday.
So, Israel is faced with a dilemma, how can it get hatred and fear back on the agenda when the train keeps getting in the way? Let’s hope they don’t find a way ;)
Thanks to Michael Rivero of What Really Happened for the following…


You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear
You’ve got to be taught
From year to Year
It’s got to be drummed
in your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught
To be Afraid
Of people whose eyes
are oddly made
And people whose skin
Is a different shade
You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught
Before it’s too late
Before you are 6 or 7 or 8
To hate all the people
your relatives hate
You’ve got to be carefully taught

South Pacific, Rogers & Hammerstein

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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