Tuesday, December 28

Official German Record of Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp, May 1940 through December 1944

WRH -  
http://www.heretical.com/miscella/rudolf.htmlThese statistics concerning prisoners in Auschwitz camp purport to be taken directly from Soviet archive material, now available on microfilm from the former Soviet Central Archives. Also, a good deal of corroborative material from the German Archives concerning the German State Railways has been located in the German State Archives (Bundesarchiv) and utilized. The railroad was responsible for the transportation of inmates to and from concentration camps and these figures from the Russian files are accurately reflected in the Reichsbahn documents.
Webmaster's Commentary: 

Official German report

Deaths per day from German records

Official Red Cross report

Poland officially lowers Auschwitz death toll by 2.5 million.

Before and after plaque change

Detail of the revised plaque.

So why the fraud? Why such exaggeration? Why the lies about soap made from humans? Was not WW2 horrific enough that it did not need "embellishments?" The founders of Israel faced a major problem. The world had just united together against Nazi Germany on the principle that one nation did not have the right to match into another nation and simply steal it for their own uses. Yet that is exactly what Israel intended to do to Palestine.
Now, Israel's founders knew that the war against Germany had really been about banking systems; a continuation of the boycott intended to force Germ,any back to using the private central banking system imposed on the Wiemar Republic by the Treaty of Versailles.

"Judea declares war on Germany." 1933. Note comment about the size of the Jewish population of Germany underlined in red.
That the war has really been about returning the Germans to debt-slavery was irrelevant. The public believed it was all about one government not stealing another peoples' land, and that was a fierce political philosophy of the time. Israel needed a way to convince the world that what Hitler could not be allowed to do to Poland and France, Israel must be allowed to do to Palestine. So Israel's founders, as much in control of the media then as now, re-wrote the history of WW2. Slave labor camps became death camps. Insecticide became human poison. Delousing became gassing. Germany's desperate measures to control the deadly typhus epidemic laying waste the camps were portrayed as horrific tortures. All mention of the boycott, the reason Germans were hostile to Jewish bankers, were obliterated. And because the people of the world were naive innocents who trusted their media to tell them the truth, the hoax worked. Slowly the people of the world came to be convinced that Israel had a right to do to Palestine what Hitler had not had a right to do to Poland and France. Israel's founding rests on a public relations hoax. Which is why they defend the orthodox account so fiercely even as science continues to expose the reality that much of the story is a myth. The figure of six million is not a real number but a reference to a Jewish religious prediction, one which was used in WW1 as well as WW2.
1918 article on the suffering of six million Jews in Europe.
Interestingly enough, the New York Times reported at the end of W2 that Six Million camp prisoners had been LIBERATED, not exterminated!
Note underlined portion
Everything Israel has done to Palestine, indeed to Lebanon, Syria, Egypt. is always justified on the claim that Israel has a natural god-given right to treat others the way the Nazis treated them. This is the "They did it first" excuse on a national scale. But if that excuse is a fraud, as seems to be the case, then the whole world, that same world that united to stop the Nazis from stealing other countries, was tricked into standing silently by while Israel simply walked into Palestine and stole it. And that is a grave sin indeed to be an accessory to for all these many decades.

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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