Later in the afternoon, we traveled to Beit Jala where we shared putting-up a Christmas tree at the home of Abu Michel, a Christian whose land was taken over for the apartheid wall. Then onto Aida refugee camp for a meaningful Christmas Eve with refugees. Christmas day was spent mostly in Hebron old city including in a demonstration against the racist settlers who continue to attempt to destroy the old city. The occupation authorities used tear gas and stun grenades and kidnapped two internationals (French and a Scottish, both released later at night). Some Internationals joined us in the candle light march in the Shepherds' field that evening (over 2000 attended, a marvelous event; here is a video of it ). The next morning, activists went to Qalandia checkpoint and protested the Israeli army preventing Palestinians from entering Jerusalem. A Palestinian and nine French activists were detained and many were beaten and injured (video here: ). That afternoon, a tree planting event near the wall in Bil'in was met with Israeli tear gas and stun grenades (video here ). Later in the evening, we had an evening of camaraderie and solidarity despite attempts to politicize the event by some. The next day, the delegation visited Nablus (see photos at ) and on the way back stopped by Beitil and had a demonstration against the closure of roads inside the west bank to Palestinian travel (photos at ). Two were detained and several injuries were reported due to the Israeli assault on the peaceful demonstration. All detained in these various demonstrations were mistreated but were eventually released.
I urge all to come visit us and see what is happening in the "little town of Bethlehem": 170,000 people nearly half of them are refugees crowded into 13% of the original district size of Bethlehem and surrounded by 27 ft high walls and electrified fences. Many people describe it as a Ghetto or a Bantustan (and the Israeli government calls such remaining Palestinian areas in the Negev and elsewhere as concentration areas). But on the positive side, the pressure of the occupation and the test of us make us better human beings. The hundreds of internationals that participated in these activities told us how honored and leased they were by having shared a meaningful holiday season with us. Energized, we now planned much bigger activities for this summer (stay tuned). Similarly, the Palestinians who participated in the demonstrations or who even simply hosted internationals in their homes or who even saw us on TV or read about us in newspapers all felt a sense of hope and empowerment. For me personally, having a house full of internationals sleeping everywhere eating together, working together, being attacked by occupation authorities together was the best Christmas gift. Come to think of it, that is what the message of that prince of peace born over two millennia years ago was about. We are the descendents of those first believing Shepherds who saw the star and believed in Jesus. Jesus born in a country called Palestine was thus Palestinian by birth but when he grew up he also challenged a Jewish ruler (Herod) put in place by a Western government. History does repeat itself although with some variation but the message of love and peace will eventually triumph. This Christmas from here in the Shepherds' field just down the hill from the Church of Nativity, we sang "this in my heart, I do believe…we shall overcome someday" …. Merry Christmas.
My wish this Christmas by Saed Bannoureh
Peace on Earth, even in Palestine! By Mazin Qumsiyeh
Palestine: Yet People Celebrate (Christmas 2010)
Another Christmas under Siege in the Holy Land By Father Dr. Faisal Hijazin (Parish Priest of the Holy Family Catholic Church in Ramallah)
For more on us Christians here, please visit
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
Author of “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of hope and empowerment”
http://qumsiyeh.orgThe views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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