Monday, September 27

Message to Muslims: I'm sorry (and more)

A farmer in Al-Walaja once told me that he felt his land was heaven and after he dies he has no nead for any other heaven.  Here are some images of Palestine that explains why we Palestinians will never give up our homeland (we are willing to hsare it but never give up)  (localities)  (people and places before 1948)

Examples of great actions
1)Viva Palestina Caravan leaves London to Gaza

2) Jewish boat to Gaza to break the siege

3)  "However, having seen the women at Tuesday night’s New York premiere and the men on Saturday evening, I must say that the only distinction of real note was the presence, on Saturday, of the Israeli president,Shimon Peres, accompanied by a considerable security detail and heckled by members of Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel.  Adalah-NY has been protesting throughout Batsheva’s run, picketing and handing out pamphlets criticizing Israeli policies toward Palestinians and urging a boycott of the company, which receives substantial support from its government. Mr. Peres’s arrival raised the ante: as audience members and passers-by were firmly herded to the end of the block by police and security officers and the protesters yelled “You’re dancing around apartheid,” Mr. Peres and his contingent swept into the theater."  

4) Harvard students protest [racist Zionist] New Republic editor: Demonstrators confront Marty Peretz in Cambridge with signs quoting his own words about Arabs and African-Americans

Excellent analysis from the Palestinian Policy Network: What if the peace talks succeed?
Many commentators expect the direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians to fail. But there is a much worse scenario: What if they “succeed?”

Message to Muslims: I’m Sorry By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home  

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