Sunday, August 19

Cat versus Man

I have comments and news after watching accidentally two videos of cats and men:
1) A cat dealing with a dead cat
2) Men proud of suffering and death of fellow men

While we should not generalize about either cats or men, increasingly some of us question the self-destructive nature of people on this earth.  What does keep us optimistic is that some groups of humans actually work to change the behavior in a positive way.  Millions do that.  I was proud to watch the great reception of the South African team which achieved several medals at the Olympics.  They were of mixed background: white and black, and various religions.  The all Zionist, all Jewish Israeli team were losers (and I am not speaking here of medals but of principles) who returned here without fanfare to an apartheid state reminds us that this cannot last.  But I dreamt of living to go welcome at the Lod Airport a winning Palestine Olympics team that includes Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  I know that this future of one democratic state is coming.  The example of South Africa is worth looking into.  Much struggle remains to be done in South Africa to achieve equality especially in economic issues. But we are long past the days when leaders of Apartheid South Africa met and collaborated in developing nuclear weapons and modes of repression with Jewish state leaders. 

On Thursday settlers tossed a Molotov cocktail at a Palestinian car carrying a family from Nahhalin.  Six civilians sustained first, second, and third degree burns: They were a mother, father, and two children and two other relatives.  On Friday, Israeli Jewish colonial settlers attempted to lynch young Palestinians in Jerusalem leaving one critically injured.  Settler attacks thus continue despite the repeated assurance that "perpetrators will be found", the Israeli government is not really exerting any effort to do so as they failed to do previously with thousands of other cases. (text in English on the burning incident) (text in Arabic but with several pictures of the victims) (on the attempted Lynch)
When settlers attack.  A sobering study of the skyrocketing Jewish colonial settler attacks on native Palestinians

Also on Thursday, Al-Araqib village in the Negev was destroyed for the 41st time. Background information

Also on Thursday, Israeli forces attacked media professionals trying to cover a story in Kufr Qaddoum.
Video here

Israel releases latest plan for Wall that will choke and encircle the Bethlehem-area village of al Walaja and drive its remaining inhabitants out

Books I read recently and recommend
1) Midnight on the Mavi Marmara: The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and How it Changed the Course of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

2) Freedom Sailors (the story of attempts to breach the siege on Gaza)

3) Born in Jerusalem Born Palestinian: A memoir, Jacob J. Nammar, Oplive Branch Press

My comment: May we all be as considerate as that cat

Mazin Qumsiyeh

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