Friday, July 9


When I read the following headline on a HaAretz article I was sure that's what he meant....
Obama to Abbas: I will make every effort to ensure Palestinian statehoodU.S. President calls Abbas days after meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to voice support for Palestinian leadership.

Support for Palestinian leadership? Wouldn't that be the leadership that was democratically elected by the Palestinian people in their last election...HAMAS?

I guess not.... after reading further it was not what was meant at all....

U.S. President Barack Obama phoned Mahmoud Abbas on Friday to brief the Palestinian president on the American leader's recent meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and voice his strong support for Abbas' leadership and commitment to peace.

desertpeace |

Abbas' leadership? Didn't he announce his resignation not too long ago??

On Tuesday, Obama and Netanyahu held what the U.S. president described as an "excellent" meeting at the White House. Both leaders came out of the meeting convinced that direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians were imminent.

As long as the Palestinians are pro Israel like Abbas is....

A week long of 'talks' and nothing has changed....There will be Two States... each run by Israel.

The article referred to can be read HERE.


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