Monday, May 31

It's typical Israel, they let it be blamed on someone else and deny any action

Flash Back: Israel Killed 7 Japanese Sailors At Sea

ISRAELI SHIP SUSPECT IN HIT-AND-RUN AT SEA THAT KILLED SEVEN JAPANESE SAILORS… Japanese officials are accusing a ship belonging to Israel’s Zim lines of being the vessel that struck and sunk a Japanese fishing boat and fled the scene last Thursday. Seven Japanese crewmen died in the collision. The captain of the Israeli ship has denied any knowledge of the incident. Yet, Japanese officials claim to have proof in the form of radar images that show the ship in the area at the time of the accident and an abrupt course change following the collision. Japanese coastguard planes also made visual contact with the Zim vessel. Although the Israeli ship was not the only one in the area at the time, suspicion over its erratic course was backed up by physical evidence of a collision observed by officials when it docked at the South Korean port of Busan on Friday, including marks with paint matching the Japanese boat. The ship is again at sea, but South Korean officials have sent the Zim Asia’s GPS records along with samples of the foreign paint to Japan.

This is more on the sinking of the Boat the Israelis have admitted it and apologized for it now. It's typical Israel, they let it be blamed on someone else and deny any action until they are caught red handed, still continue to deny it, and then get busted and are forced to admit it and apologize. That last step happened because it was Japan. Had then happened to the US, Israel would never get past the denial stage.

Israelis hit Japanese ship Kyoto News
First the Israelis deny it. Japan Times
Later they get busted with the matching paint samples and apologize.
Israel forced to apologize Now they, Zim shipping company, admit they did it.


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