Sunday, March 21

Breaking News : Most alarming phenomenon...the "Mistarafim" infiltrators

by Iqbal Tamimi

Iqbal Tamimi

The most alarming phenomenon now is spreading in different areas of Palestine, young men look Palestinians, dress like Palestinians, master all local Arab dialects and behave like Palestinian ....except they are not.

They infiltrate demonstrations wearing the Palestinian Kefiyah and in the middle of whatever activity they join they start gathering information about the activists, after they finish they reveal their real savage personalities and start attacking, beating, bashing the Palestinian demonstrators since they are armed unlike the Palestinian demonstrators.

The Israeli occupation forces call them "Mistarafim" and the Palestinians call them Mustarebeen.
They are working in groups within two units, one works with the Israeli police force and the other with the Israeli army and border guards.

The Mistarafim Unit began working undercover in different Arab towns and in the occupied area of East Jerusalem, but their operations expanded to include the Palestinian Arab towns inside the Green Line, hitting their targets without attracting much attention.

It is usually difficult to identify them since they look like any civillian, but the Israeli police and the Israeli soldiers do know them well, and they supervise their activities when they penetrate the lines of demonstrators with the coordination of the army.

They engage in demonstrations, they seem most enthusiastic, masked and carrying Palestinian flags, wearing a kaffiyeh, or necklaces bearing slogans of national revolution.

They are seen most of the time in groups of 3-4, trying to lead the demonstrators as much as possible to where the Israeli police forces are ambushing them, or towards closed or narrow alleyways where they can attack their victims and control them well while one of them will be protecting the back of his gang. They never hesitate to fire their guns.

The units get their training in the most crowded Arab areas especially in the city of Nazareth. A trusted source said that some of these units even live with Arab families in Nazareth to get some training on Arab customs and traditions and how to get dressed and how to speak. One of the people who is training them is claimed to be from the village of Taraan, he teaches them the slang language of the local Arabs and even teaches them how to make the coffee the Palestinian way.

Should the "Mistarafim" have to appear before a Court, there are laws and regulations especially for them, the police takes the responsibility of protecting their identities and their names and other details which are kept in confidential files and disclosed only in the court before the judge, they are also provided with full protection to ensure that no one will know their identities.

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