Wednesday, February 3

Oslo, Action, and more in this week's message

“You give but little when you give of your possessions; it is when you give of yourself that you truly give. For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow? And what is fear of need but need itself.” Khalil Gibran, “The Prophet”

[Recent!] Khalid Amayreh: Three recent observations on Israel
"The third and final observation is really disgusting in a special way. The Israeli electronic and print media has been using photos of Palestinian orphans whose parents and relatives have been murdered by the Israeli army in advertisements designed to raise money for “poor and Jewish children.”

[Reading imperative] Oslo and the end of Palestinian independence by Joseph Massad
"The Oslo agreement aimed to end the Palestinian quest for liberation and justice and continues to pose the most significant challenge to both."

[Revealed] Diskin told Abbas, Defer UN vote on Goldstone or face 'second Gaza'

[Revealing] Palestinian authority economic study by world Bank
33% of the Palestinian authority budget goes to security services and 2% to run the President's office

[Revolting] The way Haiti is being treated turned out to be worse than I expected. Lots of US troops and little actual humanitarian aid. Read this disturbing report and watch the video at the end.

[Reassuring] Palestinians in Gaza donate to Haiti

[In forwarding this article Racheli Gai wrote "Ma'ariv, a major Israeli daily newspaper, had an article with the title: 'Haiti's disaster is good for the Jews.' It certainly has given Israel a major opportunity to try and cleanse its tarnished image in the international community. According to Gila Svirsky, Israel has no image problem at home."]
God Bliss by Gila Svirsky,

"There is a country full of people on this beautiful Saturday afternoon watching the sailboats skim by, driving out to catch the fields full of red poppies after the heavy winter rains, or walking their dogs through the daffodils. But they won’t be crossing the Separation Barrier anytime soon to witness the horrors on the other side, and the news on TV in the evening won’t bring that horror into their homes. “What occupation?” is now the most common reaction of passersby to our Women in Black vigil in Jerusalem. For the young, it’s an honest question; for the older, it’s a smirk and walk on."

[This upgrade to a university status by the war Criminal Ehud Barak should be answered by intensified efforts for the academic and cultural boycott of Apartheid Israel]

West Bank college boosts settlements by Jonathan Cook,

Actions for this week: Support the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott

Correction to my last week's email: I listed three settlements/colonies established after 1967 in the southern area of occupied Jerusalem. mistakenly included one colony that was actually established much earlier. Sorry for the oversight.

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home

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