Tuesday, July 17

Apartheid Israel Selections

The right wing Zionists keep 
invoking "anti-Semitism" and the events of WWII to try to deflect any legitimate criticism of their cherished idol: the apartheid state of Israel.  But this is no longer working.  The list below just gives a glimpse from the past few days.  Even puppets of the Israel lobby like Hilary Clinton gets pelted by shoes and tomatoes in Egypt! But Zionists are busy pushing for war on Iran, legalizing violations of International law, ignoring human rights violations in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain while exaggerating those happening in Syria, and celebrating the appointment of someone who happens to be Jewish as head of the Superior Court of Great Britain! (Imagine if I was to celebrate such achievements for Christians). Do we live in an Orwellian world.

Response to university presidents visit to Israel
Prominent scholars and human rights activists issued an open letter  to university presidents who participated in a recent tour (July 1-9, 2012) of Israel designed to bolster cooperation between US and Israeli universities sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, calling upon the university officials to “not…pursue institutional relationships between your universities and Israeli universities, and to discontinue any existing institutional relationships that might already exist.”

(the greatest allies of USA unopperialism, story not covered by the Western media because they support this cleptocracy and its torture and murder of dissidents and they are busy building revolution in Syria)
Destroy all churches in the Arabian Peninsula – Saudi Grand Mufti

 (Zionist) Birthright participant turns pro-Palestinian activist `I'm helping the Jews by being here,' says Laura Gordon, who has joined the International Solidarity Movement

British government report finds wide spread human rights abuses of Palestinian Children
Prominent U.K. jurist says boycott of West Bank settlement products is legal
In his paper, James Crawford says that the ban was legal as the West Bank can not be seen as a part of Israel.

A new study finds that most Germans who oppose Israel's Palestinian policies are not antisemitic, but pro-peace and human rights
Pro-Palestinian Ads Ignite Controversy

Disney family member renounces her investments in Israel's Ahava Cosmetics

Report on outposts' legality states Israel isn't an occupying force in West Bank! (the emperor declares ghe is clothed afterall even when everyone sees he is naked)

Legal experts respond to report published by Levy Committee on illegal outposts regarding West Bank construction; Talia Sasson: 'Israel in a dangerous position.'

(educational read) The Theft of the Nakba Narrative by the Israeli Academia. By Rahela Mizrahi

Hillary Clinton motorcade pelted with tomatoes, shoes in Egypt http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1226803--hillary-clinton-motorcade-pelted-with-tomatoes-shoes-in-egypt

Palestinian reporters boycott Hilary Clinton's press conference after being asked to undergo strip search 

Nelson Mandela Foundation Calls For UN to Act on Israeli Violations

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