Sunday, December 27

One year on - Urgent Action for Gaza

'Former Israeli education minister and leftist leader, Shulamit Aloni, adopted years ago this designation of Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians under its occupation. As early as 2003, she condemned an Israeli atrocity that pales in comparison with the Israeli massacres just committed in Gaza saying [11]:

“So it's not yet genocide of the terrible and unique style of which we were past victims. And as one of the smart [Israeli] Generals told me, we do not have crematoria and gas chambers. Is anything less than that consistent with Jewish ethics? Did he ever hear how an entire people said that it did not know what was done in its name?”

And that was before Israel’s rolling massacre in Gaza.

According to respected human rights organizations active in the field, Israel’s 23-day military offensive, which started on December 27, 2008, led to the death of more than 1,400 Palestinians, approximately 83% of whom are civilians [12], and to the complete or partial destruction of thousands of homes; the leading university; 45 mosques; several ministries, including those of education and justice; scores of schools[13]; a Red Crescent Hospital and tens of ambulances [14] and clinics; as well as thousands of factories and small businesses. Several massacres were committed and well documented. The ICRC [15] accused Israel, in an unusually sharp tone, of failing to provide medical care to the injured and impeding medical relief from reaching them, thereby causing their bleeding to death, both severe violations of international humanitarian law. More than 400 Palestinian children were killed by the three-week long Israeli bombing, many due to burns caused by Israel’s illegal use of phosphorous bombs.'

Read full article by Omar Barghouti, independent Palestinian political and cultural analyst and a founding member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

Total racism, total war

As Palestinians mark the first anniversary of the war, Israelis are revealing the reasons behind their army's savage treatment of Palestinians during the war. An edict by Chief Military Rabbi Brigadier General Avi Ronzki to Israeli troops on the first anniversary of the war called for no mercy or compassion for Palestinians. The edict, quoted in the Israeli media, stated that, "the goal of the recent war on Gaza aimed to destroy and annihilate the enemy, not to take prisoners." It continued that, "some 80 jets focussed on various targets in Gaza; then the tanks began their assault. We fought the gentiles with all our willpower and force."

Oren Yiftahel, political science professor at Ben Gurion University in the Negev, described Israel's atrocities during the war. "It was expected Israeli behaviour and an extension of Zionist policy that believes in the annihilation of the Palestinian people, and erasing their history and existence. It ignores the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, which they are entitled to, and not out of Israeli charity."

read full article by Saleh Al-Naami

International solidarity delegations to Gaza halted by complicit Egyptian regime

- Egyptian authorities have denied entry to the Viva Palestina despite agreeing a few days ago to allow the convoys, accompanied by some 500 internationals, to deliver humanitarian aid and messages of solidarity to the people of Gaza.

- Viva Palestina have refused to submit to demands by Egypt, one of which was to ask permission from Israel to cross from Egypt to Gaza.

- The Egyptian authorities have also refused to allow some 1400 Gaza Freedom Marchers entry into Gaza. Arrangements for GFM meetings and travel have also been interfered with by authorities in Cairo.

Take action today


Gaza: One year on - vigil + protest:

*TODAY 27 December

Edinburgh: 2 pm at bottom of The Mound, Princes Street. (SPSC)

Glasgow: 4.30 pm - Buchanan Street (at Nelson Mandela Place)

*Organised by: Scottish PSC; Scottish Islamic Foundation, Friends of Al-Aqsa (Glasgow), supported by Scottish Jews for a Just Peace.

This year, the 27th is also the day of Ashura when Sunni Muslims believe that Moses freed the Jews from Egypt and as such is very symbolic. Ashura is marked by Muslims by fasting from Sunrise to Sunset. To mark the event, Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF) and Scottish Jews for a Just Peace (SJJP) have agreed to hold a joint commemoration before joining the event at Nelson Mandela Place - people will come together to break the fast in Glasgow's George Square at 3.45pm.

Your help is needed in ensuring Egypt allow our messages of solidarity are delivered to Gaza by Viva Palestina and Gaza Freedom March:

- Contact the Egyptian Embassy:

Egyptian Embassy (Diplomatic Mission)
Tel.: 020 7499 3304

Egyptian Tourist Office
Tel.: 020 7493 5283

Egyptian Press and Information Office
Tel.: 020 7409 2236

- Contact our representatives & UK government:

Contact your MP:

David Miliband (Foreign Secretary/Labour MP for South Shields)
(0191) 456 8910

British Embassy in Egypt
Tel: +(20)(2)27916000

Don't forget to ask your MP to sign the Early Day Motion on universal jurisdiction. While we remember the Gaza massacres the British government is providing support and cover for the Israeli generals and politicians who carried out these crimes against the Palestinian people - and who continue to implement slow-motion genocide in Gaza.

Details of the motion:

"...the global Palestine solidarity movement's top priority now, in my view, is no longer merely to expose and effectively counter, mainly through Boycott Divestment and Sanctions, Israel's system of occupation, colonization, ethnic cleansing and apartheid; nothing is as urgent and essential at this very moment as exposing and effectively countering Israel's gradual genocide in Gaza." Omar Barghouti


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