Wednesday, December 23

Egypt bans Gaza Freedom March - This is what You Can Do

For The sake of humanity and for Justice in Palestine,

With just a few days to go, today the Egyptian government, citing security concerns, has decided not to let the Gaza Freedom March cross into Gaza! This move reflects the fact that the Egyptian government has become a pawn of the US & Israel, and is acting on their behest to prevent a delegation in solidarity with the Palestinian PEOPLE from entering Gaza. Today, Mubarak, Israel, and the US have proven that they stand together- not as enemies of Hamas- but as enemies of the Palestinian people and the 1.5 million Gazans starving to death in the Gaza Strip.

Egyptian embassies and missions all over the world will be hearing by phone, fax and email from delegates and the supporters of the Gaza Freedom March over the coming crucial days, with the clear message: "Let the international delegation enter Gaza and let the Gaza Freedom March proceed." Please support this effort! For the Gazans, as well as for the SJP students currently slated to be part of the USC contingent to Gaza in a few days. SEND THE EMAIL BELOW =)

In Solidarity!

Alex Shams

BBC Coverage:

Possible text for emails:

Email:,, EGYPT@EGY2000.COM,,,

Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing to express my full support for the December 31, 2009 Gaza Freedom March, and am in touch with my Member of Congress on this issue.

I respectfully urge the Egyptian government to allow the 1,360 international delegates to enter the Gaza Strip through Egypt. The aim of the march is to call on Israel to lift the siege, which is killing Palestinian ever single day. It is also humanitarian: the delegates will also take in badly needed medical aid, as well as school supplies and winter jackets for the children of Gaza. I hope that the Egyptian government is not in suport of murdering Palestinians, and will act to support any peaceful attempt to prevent this.

Please let this historic March proceed. Doing so will do much to endear Egypt to both the marchers and their many friends and supporters.

If Egypt does not change its stance, I will not travel to Egypt for vacation as I was planning to in April of this year, and will tell my friends not to as well.

Thank you.



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