Tuesday, November 10

Mahmoud Abbas shall leave.......unpinished !!

Abbas and friends .....
the Godfather of corruptions

A national-leader must make a War of liberation
or alternatively, a leader must make Peace
and preferably achieve a Just-Peace.

Mahmoud Abbas did none of that.

The only thing Abbas did was to cash his salary
to enrich his family and to kiss the hands of his occupiers .

The Oslo-plan was ultimately to flood the Palestinian leadership
with money and aid ,
in order to make them drawn in their own corruption.

It happened ,
Abbas is now a Millionaire who will retire
in exile.......... to enjoy his fortune..........

It is a classical scenario......... of corrupting any revolution
until its members become over-fed , fat and selfish.

Do not assume that Abbas left us because he has any conscience:

Abbas is leaving because Hamas is really coming !!

Raja Chemayel

a Christian for Hamas and for Palestine

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 am

    Forget Hamas and Abbas!
    I just found this flash game on the internet and look at what are people really want!!! we want freedom of passage, to live freely - no more of this fake diplomacy!!
