Friday, October 9

Abuse of vendors in Qalandiya

Posted by Fakhri Dweik to Palestinian Mothers

Every day, sometimes several times, they go to their travels, with rifle drawn, March industrious, usually three or two at once, they are at the merchandise stalls toss on the ground, sometimes trampling feet, sometimes beating the vendor, hands, or rifle butts, usually are not warned before, do not remove, because how happy would give up hunting. All, trust a big role.

This is not only unjust, or principal, or worst. But this is one of those which reveal just chilling the occupation, and goals, not official, and the slime has spread everywhere.

Army Defense, Israel systematically, consistent, diligence, pride abusive vendors. Everywhere there are vendors in the territories, he is trampling on them, chasing them, deliberately, according to instructions.
Who are they? People who have nothing to eat, they often had another job is no longer because of the occupation, because of barriers, because a ban on entry into Israel. Most of them support large families, most have no choice, because if they had not been abandoned themselves this vulnerable area where all are victims Konsistntim spectrum shapes of darkness and corruption Ohgizanot blunt brutality lust abuse sake soaked until the end, essentially a service occupation.

Beat them, trampling them to the goods, they become carts .. Typically, soldiers, rather specific false .. During these years, these units were different, with different color shoes, different ages, but the abuse continues vendors all the time, is constant.

It was about three years ago. 'Pack' troops out of southern square and smashed shed Qalandiya checkpoint built by the roadside, where set the vegetable selling his wares against the rain. I called the army. Answer me who was then assistant division commander from the IDF spokesman. Went out; obviously go, העיברית the mouth shows what I come, here I have an identity, a face, here I am not Striotif, here I think significantly, if the reservation. Went back with the official reason at the time: According to mandatory law, she explains, can not peddle alongside the road. Therefore, soldiers smashed the shed, she concludes like what that says there is a solution .... Another time it was actually the north side of the Qalandiyah checkpoint. Soldiers were destroying the Hbstot. Basta was one of the books, another of plastic flowers, the vegetables, the toys, everything dropped, slammed, crushed their legs, as always ... I called again. This time it was the focus of the civil administration called (as how to maintain structured occupation) the focus of 'humanitarian' (as there is no basic contradiction humanitarian word with the word occupation army), and was told by a soldier, polite and welcoming, they can not peddle the law. 'Law? " I asked. 'Ottoman-era law, he explained. 'You hear what you say,' I say to the soldier at the end of the line. 'Those people all they want is to make a living, why not? " 'But it's not,' he said, convinced. 'According to the law. Ottoman ....' Once again when I bother to call the army, like any of them sitting somewhere up or down or across or next to no way responsible for it equally wrong I report, nevertheless, that from such a method. Because it turns out that what is permissible and desirable to do, like shoot the children of Qalandiya refugee camp as they flee, or to detain people as infinitely long, or throw their cards over the fence, or just tear them, or not to return, or put in the pit of people bound, hours, not always pay to do that "Indian" see. Do, may preferably, but apparently still look better not. Actually to be precise up front who. Seen by Palestinians not Nikra look. Seen by the 'Haraweiim' this problem. So, sometimes, (all because of this reason is unacceptable, Hsmftomtit any) should call and say, we have seen, we know. Say those who know, necessarily. To tell us, no it does not happen, soldiers do not shoot the children, or is not tablespoons, or lost their ID card, or he started, he had a knife and say lie denied, but sometimes, like magic, the detainee is released for hours, spoons are allowed, it apparently tried to stab a soldier with a knife free way, kind of ID card removable pocket strange magic soldier who had said he took it, and such other or woman will be released for now, will pass for now, live for now, until next time .... 'Because it bothers them,' answered one instance, the sentence that punch, a soldier, my usual question of why they destroyed the Hbstot. 'They, the Palestinians'. 'But they are, I explain,' they, those who abuse them, they themselves do not bother '. 'Does it bother them,' he insisted. 'Then he asked them,' I suggested. 'No, do not let the after number, to understand. That the focus of military Hhumntari apparently not intended for the Palestinians. Only Jews can call there. The victims did not. So it goes. 'And it bothers them, he insists Moalb voice. 'So they can not peddle there. Like how I doubt ... Csvsc Shfikfok sins in question turns out my heaviest sin .... Another time I remember, after one of the raids, the checkpoint commander explained to me why he is a member of his troops removed the familiar area, 'that's how they see them, the soldiers' he explained. 'But they see you even when they cross a checkpoint, said .... Well occupier do not like contradictions. His mind clear and pure and without conflicts .... 'They see us returned. Not answered. Because obviously he should be allowed Slhtall vendors. Reasons vary fit imaginative desert. They are not suspected of anything, even in their opinion, a fact they do not usually stop, if Nilkhot papers, not Nivdkot often, they're "only" hunted, beaten, and engines to work for a living, as a method.'s Instructions municipal soldiers permanently damage the livelihood of people day laborers, earning pennies, steal their livelihood, and beat them. because they can. that this occupation.

Here is revealed the true purpose or main occupation. Cshbithon is a cliche, is a brand, the advertising office of the skilled occupation to keep waving at all, to Off to keep everything behind the black hole called security and what the occupation really came to do. And fixed years ago.

Wednesday 15 June 2005.
Some vendors. Remains Htormosim yesterday soldiers dispersed to their daily journey Klages everywhere. It was after we left, a little after five and a half journey back out soldiers Release bones known vendors and chose this one, A (a gentle-looking father of the baby, who sells hats and glasses, standing on the other side of the square near the wall) their daily boxing sack. They came and threw his cart on the floor, all contents cleared, he began a miracle of them, and they followed. Apparently a truck or large vehicle with soldiers of the border guard just past, and look out the window and the guy running away. Immediately stopped and began chasing him as well. They pushed him against the wall gravel and began beating him with their hands, feet and rifle butts. He got blood from the head, ear, and he filled the whole blood. His father was also a peddler arrived and tried to intervene and was beaten. Meanwhile the soldiers began shooting at the guy's bleeding feet, to scare him. A was between taxi drivers crowded around and watched, stunned.
Apparently said something, or asked, why do it, a soldier who did not beat at the moment, with the butt drawn ran to him and hit him with the butt of the gun side of the head near the ear, and he knelt, fell, and some soldiers joined the soldier shot him and started beating him also . Meanwhile, soldiers took the bleeding from the roadside vendor hurled it on the road, fired several shots into the air, and drove off. Thursday afternoon, June 16, tension in the air. Concern. Some move away as possible from the checkpoint itself to give them more time to escape the soldiers daily Klages my journey ... Most of them put less stuff on the cart that has already partly damaged chance to advance and preferably less, and lose less .... Fewer vendors ... Some of that fear too, some moved to other places, and at home. Who with stitches, with fractures, with wounds, recover the results of the abuse of soldiers ... But they are there. Day after day, against all odds, like dew from the grass crops up, they are there to assert their right to life, because they have no choice, because they have no choice, true rebels ...... E., the father of A, known Tirsim Otormosim. His cart is at the southern end of the checkpoint, in early transition. He has twelve children, one of the smallest help him at Hvsta. He just talks about what happened yesterday with his son A, and how only a week on Tuesday and Wednesday, soldiers from the checkpoint became his wagon, and how all the food was scattered. Also said that wants to complain about us. Consulted.
Then the soldiers. Three. They came from the south, are resolutely toward him, a clear purpose. The first broad movement knocked the bowl Htormosim, flying in all directions, and the country, in messes, sand. We could not see how the cart took a peanut, apparently kicked, just between us and them moved to passersby. Even peanuts scattered on the ground and the cart overturned. After Htormosim peanuts approached Y. familiar flowery dresses. Slightly earlier told us Y., very young boy, the eldest in a family of nine siblings, parents are not functioning and the only breadwinner of all, how two days before the soldiers came, knocked trampled the clothes he sells. Said, his eyes moist, said, averting his eyes. Again, same thing, before our eyes, accused the catwalk with her clothes on the ground, a broad movement, rough, back of the soldier Mtkar full of joy and mastery position.

All Htormosim peanuts were scattered on the floor, sand, discarded clothes, which were dependent on structure, on the ground. The soldiers were still, people did not intervene. Evident that they want and dare restraint involves suffering, shame and anger. Then there was silence. E. quietly began collecting the Htormosim from the floor, and the soldiers went after they took him my ID, and said 'remember what happened to your son ...' come at night. The boy who sold peanuts raised podium and began a collection of sand the peanuts, Y. clothes collection was full of dust. Was inhibited such parties, people look for a moment but hurry away. Then the children are also bent around and started to help pick up the peanuts Ohtormosim from the floor, and loaded back on the carts.

It was clear that the food be cleaned and sold again.

Thursday afternoon, 16 June 2005.

We Qalandiya to continue to ask about what happened peddler who was beaten the day before.

I. K .. Father of A., who was beaten on Tuesday as a writer of the report Wednesday afternoon, selling Tirsim Otormosim. His cart standing at the southern end of the checkpoint, in early passage. He has twelve children, one of the smallest (apparently) helps him at Hvsta. He Just a few of what happened yesterday with his son, about how only a week on Tuesday and Wednesday, soldiers from the checkpoint became his wagon, and how all the food was scattered.

Also said that wants to complain about us. We talked with HaMoked phone.
Then the soldiers. Three. They came from the south, are resolutely toward him, a clear purpose.
Come, first gave the broad movement Htormosim bowl, flying in all directions, and the country, into messes, and sand.

After shopping cart Htormosim They kicked peanuts (or rather a tin containing peanuts on the stroller sleeping) overturned, peanuts flew through the air and scattered on the ground, in sand. Htormosim and peanuts came the flowery dresses at the market stall.

Slightly earlier told us Y., same vendor who sold the clothes (a very young, the eldest in a family of nine siblings, parents are not functioning and the only breadwinner of all) how two days before the soldiers came, knocked trampled the clothes he sells. Said, his eyes moist, said, averting his eyes. Again, same thing, before our eyes, accused the catwalk with her clothes on the ground, a broad movement, rough, sand tumble dresses, and back of the soldier Mtkar position mastery.

All Htormosim peanuts were scattered on the floor. Discarded clothes, which were dependent on building trust on the ground. The soldiers were still, people did not intervene but were very busy. Evident that they want and dare restraint involves suffering, shame and anger. Then there was silence. Ibrahim quietly began collecting the Htormosim from the floor, and the soldiers went after one of them, tore away his identity card, with a growl: 'come at night. M, the boy who sold peanuts and lifted the bench also sand the peanuts collection, which sold clothes and gathered his clothes full of dust, people look for a moment but hurry away ... Then the children are also bent around and started to help pick up the peanuts Ohtormosim from the floor, and loaded back on the carts.

It was clear that the food be cleaned and sold again.

Qalandiya checkpoint, Wednesday, 14.9.2005, late morning.

We met and talked with friends at a checkpoint.
"Why the Hbstot for?" Explains to us a ', "that there shadow. Why not here? That there is sun.
Says, "First they took our land, now take us Hbstot.
Just someone paid him three shekels. That's what I did today, he says bitterly, had never seen him.
Not 'have a little baby. Married recently.

Yesterday afternoon at four, R., a boy of 18, who works in the sale of all kinds of things (glasses, Artyakim, perfume) usually holds them in his hands, struck hard by the soldiers of the checkpoint.
R. is one of three brothers, originally from Hebron, who had three years working at the checkpoint. Every ten days they go home to Hebron to the rest of the family the money earned. First time I saw him was in the winter more than three years ago. He was not yet fifteen. Younger child is forced to sit on a mound of dirt, frost, thin clothes, long hours. So this soldier said that 'why they are running around in front of me. I remember how they looked. Two small children, trembling voice, and next to them what they sold, from the small frame of a flower or Al-Aqsa Mosque. Everything seemed so different. Beside them stood a soldier with a rifle. I remember standing next to a dog, let go, and he bent down to pet him.

Yesterday was see for a few boxes of perfume and men in his hands. No Basta. Even Basta no. Just stand to the side offering the wares holding hands. Two soldiers arrived. Already about a week it happens every day. Especially the second shift, behind twelve regularly travel out of the soldiers 'hunter', look for objects of abuse. The two soldiers told him to leave. He said I work. Went back four. One, that we realized, with a foot of a bed. And began beating him. Broke his perfume bottles held, beat him with a stick, legs, chest, hands. Then they took him into the inside barrier. There he was told to lie on the floor and began trampling him in the legs. His friends said they brought us the details of your soldiers, but of course not allowed.
He was held two hours and then released.

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