Thursday, June 26

The unlucky Christians............

From: raja chemayel

There is a law in the USA

that prevents the US-Government

to support nor to assist

any foreign country that

discriminates the Christian-population

within its own citizens.


it was meant against the

ex-soviet-Union and equally China

among other regimes and countries.


what nobody have thought of

was the State of Israel

which does discriminate Christians.

Indeed ,

Christian-Palestinians and the Christian-missionaries from abroad are constantly

and systematically harassed

and sabotaged.

The irony ,

or rather, the hypocrisy is that

the US Congress and US Senate

never thought of it as being a discrimination

against fellow-Christians .

As if ,only Chinese-Christians and Soviet-Christians are to be protected , but not the Arab-Palestinian-Christians.

So there you have it !!

Christians are OK ,

unless they are Arab-Christians .....

Raja Chemayel



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