Wednesday, September 2

Israel macabre enterprise in Palestine, will the UN investigate the Zionist body snatchers?

Salim Nazzal

It is time for the international community to intervene and expresses its outrage and disgust at Israeli murder for the purpose of bodysnatching. Palestinians are extremely outraged by the news which many of them had heard of previously, but which has now been confirmed by a neutral Swedish paper about the Israeli policy of deliberately murdering Palestinians to steal their internal organs.

This was revealed only few weeks after the arrests in the United States of several prominent Jewish figures, including rabbis, who were caught dealing in the gruesome ‘business’ of buying human body parts from Israel and selling them in the USA.

The Palestinian Association in Sweden which represents more than 30,000 Swedish Palestinians has sent a letter to the Aftonbladet newspaper, expressing their appreciation of its brave reporters’ efforts in revealing yet another dark face of the Jewish fascist state.

The association also voiced its appreciation of the Swedish government’s brave position in standing up against the standard Zionist blackmail tactics, which have seen Sweden accused of anti-Semitism; this is a ploy used by Zionists for several decades now, but one which fortunately no longer works.

According to the Swedish paper svenska Dagebladet 65 percent of the Swedes rejects that Sweden apologize to Israel. Sweden made it clear that the report which revealed the macabre Jewish enterprise in Palestine is part of the press freedom of Sweden. It must be remembered that Sweden was the first European country targeted by Jewish state terrorism which killed Kunt Bernadotte the member of the Swedish royal family and the head of the UN delegation to Palestine in 1948.

Confirming the reports carried in Aftonbladet, Palestinian researcher Al-Farawne said that the murder of Palestinians by Israelis in order to steal their organs has been going on for decades. Al Farawne also revealed that hundreds of Palestinians’ bodies were returned to their families days, months and some times over a year after being murdered. When the bodies were returned, however, they were discovered to be missing vital internal organs.

The lack of morality in these crimes, as in all the crimes against humanity which Israel commits against Palestine, is obvious. Such crimes are in concord with the Zionist culture which assumes that Jews are more worthy than non-Jews. This is the rationale which allows Zionists to commit such crimes without any feelings of guilt. This fits within the framework of Rabbi Abraham Koch’s directives which state that non-Jews living under Jewish law in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) must either be enslaved as water carriers and wood hewers, or banished, or exterminated)

Arab Knesset Member Muhammad Baraka revealed that there are more than 600 killed Palestinians’ bodies buried in what Israel calls ‘the number graveyards’, which were created for freedom fighters Palestinians killed in combat with the Israeli army. Baraka has demanded that Israel return the bodies to their families, but Palestinian sources expressed profound skepticism that Israel would return any of the bodies before they were entirely decomposed, since doing so before then might reveal the Israelis’ crimes in stealing body parts from them.

In the view of the Palestinian politicians and intellectuals whom I spoke to about these crimes, it is difficult to imagine that such atrocities could take place without the consent of the higher authorities in the Zionist state. In these prominent Palestinian officials’ and thinkers’ views, there must be cooperation between doctors, hospitals, transport and high-ranking military officers to carry out such acts, suggesting that such incidents are not isolated since this would involve many sectors. If Israel thinks that these are just allegations, then it must accept an international investigation into these crimes.

Those who I spoke to, however, expressed major doubts that Israel would allow any international committee to investigate these crimes. Precisely because of Israel’s reluctance to allow any inquiry into these despicable acts, several Palestinian human rights organizations are demanding an immediate international investigation into this new crime.

Palestinians fear that Israel will reject any international investigation committee, just as it did in its crimes against Jenin and Gaza when it, yet again, went against international wishes in flatly rejecting any inquiry.

I asked one Palestinian politician whether Palestinians would be satisfied with an Israeli investigation. His answer was an emphatic No. This is a form of cannibalism and the highest form of terror. There is no Palestinian who trusts Israel and leaving the investigation to it is like giving a murderer the right to investigate his crime. Zionists will hide and deny it as they have with 60 years of systematic crimes they committed in Palestine. We need the UN to investigate it before it is forgotten, the politician said, not hiding his disgust at this crime.

The reason that Israel continues committing crimes against humanity is because it knows that it can escape the international pressure that would be put on other nations for doing the same thing. The more it evades justice, the more it murders, knowing that it will go unpunished. Therefore the UN must send a strong message to the Zionist State that the age of Burke and Hare murder and bodysnatching is over.

Note: William Burke and William Hare are 19th century Scots murderers who killed people to sell their bodies to hospitals.


By Salim Nazzal, a Palestinian-Norwegian historian on the Middle East. He has written extensively on social and political issues in the region. He can be contacted at:


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