Monday, September 14

Female Palestinian journalist being subjected to torture in Israeli prison

NABLUS, (PIC)-- Ghufran Zamel has been subjected to 12 days of continued violent interrogation in an Israeli occupation authority (IOA) jail, the international Tadamun (solidarity) society for human rights said on Sunday.

The society's lawyer, who managed to meet her, said that Zamel was subjected to cruel torture as soon as she was arrested and was denied visitation.

He quoted Zamel as saying that interrogation rounds continued day and night without stop and that she was deprived of sleep for three days.

Interrogators employed various means during those rounds including threats, continued shouting, psychological pressures and others, the lawyer underlined.

Zamel, 27, was taken from her home in Ein refugee camp in Nablus on 29/8/2009 and was held in Petah Tikwa detention center without anyone allowed to see her until the Tadamun lawyer managed to visit her last Thursday 10/9/2009.


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