Monday, August 24

Israel’s Democracy:Flourishing or Floundering?

Time and time again the Middle Eastern community is bullied with the monotonous idiom which contends that “Israel is the only flourishing democracy in the Middle East”. Not only does Israel tout this designation with pride, but a slew of well known American politicians seem to say nothing less than the same: Barney Frank, US Congressman (D-MA), as quoted by Tom Lantos (D-CA) in a speech titled “Democracy Reaffirmed in Israel” stated before the House of Representatives that -

“Israel has maintained a commitment to a flourishing, vigorous democracy, governed by leaders chosen in elections as free as those held anywhere in the world, a midst untrammeled — often raucous — free-speech.”

I would only assume that this would be a seemingly bold statement to make but highly doubt any rational individual would have the audacity to make the same type of acclamation after recent events – ones which involve three equally important nouns: Israel,Sweden & Human Organs.

According to Freelance journalist Donald Bostrom,who published the article in question about Israel in the Swedish daily Aftonbladet, an international war crimes investigation awaits Israel over its soldiers’ harvest of organs from dead Palestinians.
The article,They plunder the organs of our sons, is being heavily criticized by Israeli media as well as officials who accused Donald Bostrom, of being an “Anti-Semite.”
Bostrom, on the other hand, says he has based the story on testimony from Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and he has denied accusations that he was motivated by Anti-Semitism.
[Side-note: Palestinians are Semites themselves for anyone who is still unaware or believes they can feign ignorance any longer - so no, Bostrom was not being "Anti-Semitic"]

In the article Bostrom mentions an incident in which a Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers for hurling stones at their vehicle in the northern West Bank city of Nablus. The Palestinian was shot in his chest, stomach and both legs – He was then moved to an unknown location while being in critical condition and approximately five days later, his body was returned to his family with a visible scar from his neck to stomach.

An autopsy report revealed that some of his organs were removed.

Bostrom believes a “shortage of organs for transplant in Israel is the real cause behind the violent crime and mentions a 1992 government campaign to recruit new donors [because] at the same time that this organ campaign was going on, young Palestinian men were disappearing and being delivered back to their villages five days later at night, dead and cut open,”

The story is damning for Israel,so damning in fact that Israel has delayed press credentials for Swedes from Aftonbladet. A cameraman and reporter from the Newspaper were told Sunday,when they applied for press accreditation,that the process could take up to 90 days and that the newspaper’s decision to run the organ harvesting article last week will be taken into consideration when the request is considered.

“We have no duty to supply them with press cards immediately; we have 90 days to decide about their status,” said Danny Seaman, the head of Israel’s press office.

Meanwhile [in an eerily movie-esque roundabout], Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Swedish government to condemn the article but Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt refused to condemn it, saying the country has a “free press” which is an integral part of his country’s democracy.

No matter how sickening and devastating the story is in terms of the Palestinians who suffer from the daily scourge of Israeli apartheid I cannot help but smile as the illegal state begins to slowly sink into it’s own fecal matter.
The state of Israel,one so keen on advertising their rare democratic existence,has done nothing but shun key components of an autonomous society. In Israel freedom of speech,freedom of the press,freedom of assembly etc are notions left unheard of by the subjugated majoritym – The Palestinians.

Israeli democracy is nothing more than a by-product of Apartheid South Africa’s ‘democracy’,one which gave libertarian freedom to the White population and neglected the Blacks. Just as in the case of South Africa,the Zionist democracy in Israel is designed to empower the Jews,hence the title of Israel as being The Jewish State of Israel.

The facade of democracy being held over Israel,like a glowing angelic crown,will soon self-destruct for this is the conclusion to all propaganda in Western media – In the end we all know that truth fears no investigation.

“I fear the newspapers more than a hundred thousand bayonets.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers”

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