Monday, March 23

Audio Recording of Nadia Matar's call for the assassination of Mahmoud Abbas Released

A taperecording of Nadia Matar's call for the assassination of Mahmoud Abbas

A number of people have asked if I have a recording for the report that Israeli colonist Nadia Matar called for the killing of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas last night during a lecture at the Safra Synagogue on E. 63rd Street in New York. Here's an audio, including about 10 minutes of the 1-1/2 hour lecture. At the beginning, a guy in the crowd (somewhat inaudibly) asks Matar, What do you do with a million Palestinians? Matar gives a rambling and hair-raising answer, most of which is here, including the statement that Israel should have kicked out all the Arabs in '48 or '67 and grabbed the Temple Mount, too. At 2:30 or so she starts in about Neville Chamberlain and Hitler and Churchill, which brings her, at 3:15 or so, to Abbas.

Notice the rousing applause for Matar's call for his murder, which I failed to register when I posted late last night.

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