Pro-Israel rallies flop as zionists wobble on the war effort:
The headline, Thousands call for Mid-East peace, set the dishonest tone for the whole report. Ehud Barak has said it is a "fight to the finish" against Hamas and the Board of Deputies said it was "hurt" by a hoax that suggested that the Board wanted a ceasefire and a "political solution". The expression "thousands" implied many in attendance but when compared to the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands, of anti-zionist demonstrators, the turnout was a flop. Then look at the film. No film of the square itself, only close-ups in the crowd. Ok, they made the mistake of showing children dancing with their Israeli flags as if the clear absence of peace in Gaza right now was cause for celebration but apart from that inadvertent display of zionist ghoulishness the report was deliberately misleading.
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