Wednesday, January 14

Gaza must defend against atrocities

The recent letters in the media in defense of the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza were nauseating and morally repugnant; although, sadly, not surprising coming from the Zionist Jewish community. The same hypocrites who relentlessly bombard us with their Holocaust propaganda from the time we are toddlers are the same ones who leverage their massive wealth and influence to promote a decades-old policy of extermination and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

How can anyone suggest that Israel is "defending itself" when it deliberately bombs people in their homes, schools and hospitals, and murders women and children wholesale? This latest onslaught in Gaza is just another bloody and horrific chapter in the lives of the Palestinians who have been suffering an ongoing holocaust by a Jewish supremacist terror state for 60 years. Let's not forget that the very people Israel is murdering with total impunity today in Gaza are refugees from 1948 who were ethnically cleansed from the part of Palestine that the world calls Israel.

Hamas' "rockets" (firecrackers compared to Israel's weapons) are launched in retaliation for the blockade and strangulation of Gaza that has left 1.5 million people dependent on U.N. food relief; the ongoing theft of Palestinian land; the construction of Jewish supremacist settlements; the apartheid wall that has ravaged Palestine; the routine murder of Arabs by armed Jewish settlers; and the litany of other massacres and ongoing human rights atrocities that Israel perpetrates daily with little attention given to them by our obedient mainstream media.

Palestine defends itself, not Israel.

Victor Lama


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