Wednesday, December 3

Anti-Jewish Racism" and the "Secular Democratic State" Option

Jews are neither an ethnicity nor a race, as you have Jews from different
races and ethnic backgrounds, including semites (Arab Jews) and
non-semites (Western Jews, or Ashkenazim), not to mention, white and
black, etc... So, being anti-Jewish cannot possibly be considered racist,
chauvinistic, or 'anti-semitic' for that matter.

Being anti-Jewish is being human. It's about rejecting that set of
predatory and parasitic mores, hatched in the ghetto, that characterize
CULTURAL Jewishness which extends even to non-religious Jews..

For example, the leaders of the Zionist movement who oversaw the rape and
OCCUPATION of Palestine were not necessarily religious, which is what the
Naturi Karta were essentially complaining about. They don't see how a
secular bunch of Jews can achieve a 'divine promise' for the 'Chosen
people'. That's their beef with Zionism, not the 'divine promise' itself,
which renders Judiaism into Zionism by definition.

But "Chosen people" is racist, not opposition to claims of being a chosen
people.. Pandering to the self-proclaimed 'chosen people' is what shames
our oppressed people, not standing up to them. Finally, if a so-called
'secular democratic state' is meant to swindle Jew invaders out of
Palestine, and if proponents of such a 'pluralistic' state are openly
marketing that 'ploy' to us as a ruse to get the invaders out of
Palestine, how come everybody 'gets it' except the Jew invaders? Does
that imply supporters of the Secular Democratic option believe Jews are
idiots (isn't that racist?!), or does it imply that the 'ploy' is for us
to accept invaders and coexist with them?

Think about it for a second.. The 'secular democratic' trick is on us
folks! There is no other way but the total and complete liberation of
Arab Palestine through the armed struggle. That's how South Lebanon wasliberated. That's how Algeria was liberated. That's how any occupied land truly gets liberated.

Ibrahim Alloush

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