Sunday, January 4

El Raiiss and El Sayyed

El Sayyed El Raiiss
When I was a child living in Beirut
there was a Giant living in Cairo
when he roared by the Nile
we, under the Cedars ,
went down the streets to demonstrate.
That Giant has had more to say in Beirut
than any Lebanese politician could or would .
We called him El Raiiss ( the Chief )
Today Beirut is still in the Lebanon
and Cairo is still by the Nile.
But now when in Beirut , El Sayyed roars,
Cairo goes down the streets to demonstrate,
without asking any permission from the Pharaoh of Cairo.
Nothings has changed ,
El Raiiss and El Sayyed are the same blessing.
And we all know that Arabs are not united
but at least Arabs are , one People !!
The Israelis are 11 peoples , but are united.....
nevertheless that does not make them a people
but rather pirates coming from different nationalities
and different cultures and different races.
What unites the Israelis is their greed
and their criminal-mythical-obsession to steal Palestine .
Let us repossess our Palestine
and then the Israelis will go back to Europe and the USA ,
as just Jews.
Gazza is not the solution ,
nor is Gaza the problem ,
today nor ever.

Gaza is simply today's Chosen Victims
because they are Palestinians
because they are Arabs
because they said ''No'' to Zionism .
Arabs are not perfect , maybe......
but we are the Truth , the legal and natural-inheriting-people of the Land
and most of all , we are the victims of an aggression which came upon us
from outside.....whether this justifies ''our terrorism'' or not !!
I loved El Raiiss ,
my son loves El Sayyed
and both love God !!!! and our Palestine .
The way to Jerusalem starts in Gaza !!!
Are we ready ??

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