Friday, January 23

BAN Achinoam Nini (Noa) from participating at Gaza Charity Event!

By Mary Rizzo

Call to Kill the Parents and Volunteer to Sing for the Children
We, the undersigned, demand that Achinoam Nini be barred from participating in the Gaza charity event scheduled for Friday,
January 23, 2009 at "Levontin 7" in Tel Aviv

In an open letter to the Palestinian people, Israeli singer Ahinoam Nini wrote:
"I can only wish for you that Israel will do the job we all know needs to be done, and finally RID YOU of this cancer, this virus, this monster called fanaticism, today, called Hamas."Hebrew,7340,L-3651625,00.html


Today, after her wish has been fulfilled, and the Israeli army "GOT RID" of over 1300 Palestinians, over 400 of them children, over 100 of them women, and injured more than 5000, Ahinoam Nini wants to share the stage at a charity performance for the sake of Gaza's children?

There is no limit to your hypocrisy, Noa. You supported the war which orphaned these children, and now you want to play "Mama Theresa" and help them out? How cynical can you be? Thousands of children were crippled physically and emotionally for the rest of their lives in a war that not only did you not protest, you vocally justified. Maybe you can increase your popularity and try to wash your bloody hands by making headlines on the backs of these children, but you will not be able to clear your dirty conscience.

Not unless you recognize that an occupier has no moral right to tell an occupied people what to do, including what leadership it can or cannot democratically elect. Not before you recognize that the real "virus" or "cancer," to use your ill-willed words, the "monster" is the ongoing occupation and the oppression that comes with it. anything it spawns, is its own doing. The real fanatics around here, Noa, are the people who think that they have the right to inflict so much harm and damage and pain to a besieged and beleaguered and disenfranchised people.

send adhesions to Juliano Mer Khamis

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