Monday, November 10

The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

The Palestinian Representative's Speech at the UN

'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses.
When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!'
He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.
When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
An Israeli had stolen them.'

The Israeli representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Israelis weren't there then.'
The Palestinian representative smiled and said:
'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

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  1. I was not There
    when the first ghetto was made at the italian foundary-
    people were forced to live in squalor and destitution-
    shunned and distained because they were different-
    it was wrong back then as it woud be now-

    for that is now in the history books-
    and our children read about it in school-
    but what was done then is being done now and its just as criminal-

    As those who've once suffered holocaust now inflict genocide on their imprisoned neighbors-
    And i am appaled and sickened
    and i will not rest or pretend it is not happenning-

    I was not at Dachau-
    i never smelled burning flesh on the wind-
    never read in the newspapers or heard it on the radio-
    But if i would, i could have done something,anthing to stop it-

    I was not there when the Jews rose up in Warsaw when their liberators were near-
    Slaughtered by planes, tanks, and missles while the Russians watched out of reach, silently-
    When holocaust was a final solution-
    The world was quiet and turned away with more important things to do-

    I was not there then, but i wish i was-
    history is 20/20 hindsighted-
    and still that silence cries out through those years to scream at us now-
    Begging us not to make the same mistakes today--

    Here i am now-
    And a horrible massacre is taking place before our very eyes-
    By those who've had it done to them-
    Justification is that no one cared for us then,why should we care now?-

    The ghetto of Gaza has been genocided for 20+ days now-
    Mosques,schools,hospitals,homes and universities have all been bombed to rubble and dust-

    The Red Cross and UN have all been detained and shot at for trying to protect children and the wounded-
    As huundreds of children are murdered from above-

    These war crimes are excused by lies and decption-
    Justified by the pretext of bottle rocket defense for the murder of family-
    As they defend their homes with hand guns,sling shots and fireworks as they battle F-16's, Tanks, gunships, and red-eyed storm troopers-

    I am here now and i won't stand quietly by-
    I will not a minority dupe the majority into a silence of betrayal and indifference-
    For this is mass-murder
    This is ethnic cleansing on a nazi-scale-
    We all must raise our voices in condemnation or this will never end-

    I wasn't there when this happened before-
    But i am here now as i watch a horror story repeat-
    And i cannot,shall not be still as Palestinians are on the receiving end of genocide-
    So i scream out my outrage at denial,lies,and the silence of betrayal-

    And my leaders in America are oh so quiet-
    They are afraid of AIPAC and the loss of lobby dollars-
    And the new president should know better, and he does-
    But he is an appeaser from 1938-
    Having his inaugral party and peace in our time-

    This is our second chance in history to amend for the errors then-
    This our opprotunity to do something that we did not do before-
    For if we are to break the silence of this betrayal of yesterday-
    We must stand up and let our voices be heard with a resounce of a thundercap today-

    We are all accountable-
    We are all responsible-
    for what happens anywhere,anytime-
    Especially when our tax dollars are paying for this crime!

  2. Anonymous3:33 am

    word up!

  3. Nice. Very well Said
