Saturday, November 22

An idea whose time has come! Maguire's call reminds the world that 'The State of Israel' is unfit to 'negotiate' anything because it has lost the re

Maguire: UN should suspend Israeli membership
An idea whose time has come! Maguire's call reminds the world that 'The State of Israel' is unfit to 'negotiate' anything because it has lost the respect of the international community that were prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt when they were seated in the UNGA almost 60 years ago in May 1949. Its admission was with the condition that it implement UNGA R194 (UNGA R273). They were admitted as a 'peaceful state'! Almost 61
years later we can see how peaceful they have been.All we have to do
is start committees where ever we live demanding that the world body
implement it's own resolution. We have no illusions about the UN, but
we can make a mighty noise and give support and solidarity to the
people of Palestine in their heroic struggle for Return to reclaim
their homeland. The actual implementation of the Right of Return is up to the Palestinian people in shataat, in all refugee camps in the Middle East and steadfast on the ground in Palestine.

We cannot rely on governments to get rid of the injustices they themselves have created. It is up to us!!!! Organize! Get out in the streets! In the media! Make a big noise!!! And let's try to figure out how we can bring this before the world and the world body. Maguire has already got the ball rolling! The rest is up to us!!!

Maguire: UN should suspend Israeli membership
Associated Press

November 20, 2008

Nobel laureate decries humanitarian situation in Gaza, accuses Israel of ignoring UN resolutions

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire says the United Nations should suspend or revoke Israel's membership.

Maguire, in a news conference Thursday, said that it's time for the international community to take action against Israel. She claimed Israel should be punished for ignoring a series of United Nations resolutions over the years.

Maguire, who won the 1976 peace prize for her work with Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, is currently visiting the Palestinian territories to protest Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Wednesday, United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon contacted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regarding the situation in Gaza and urging Israel to allow UN aid workers into the coastal enclave.

"The secretary-general (expressed) his deep concern over the consequences of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza," the UN press office said in a statement.

"He strongly urged the prime minister to facilitate the freer movement of urgently needed humanitarian supplies and of concerned United Nations personnel into Gaza," it said.

Israel allowed 33 truckloads of supplies into Gaza for the first time in two weeks on Monday, and Olmert told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he would not permit a humanitarian crisis to develop there.

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