Wednesday, November 5

More Humanitarian Violations: Palestinian Man Made to Dance Naked in Cold

By / Iqbal Tamimi

Palestinian Journalist in UK

The "Maariv" Israeli newspaper published last February on its website about another Israeli crime of maltreatment. The heroes were the Israeli soldiers of the Israeli occupation army. The victim was a young man from my home town the city of Alkhaleel, (Hebron), who was forced to take off all his clothes and dance naked in the biting cold. This is completely de-humanizing and appears to have been imposed upon the young man for the Israeli soldier’s sick sense
of pleasure and fun. Makes one wonder why the Israeli soldier’s get so much "enjoyment" from forcing a man to dance naked in the bitter cold.

"Maariv" revealed that the young man from Hebron "Ziad Abu Sneineh" found himself the victim of sadistic soldiers. The soldiers found they bored and tired of the monotony of work, to a point they have been inventing new ways of entertainment by torturing and beating him for three continuous hours.Then forcing him to take off all his clothes and dance for them naked.

Concerning the incident, as reported by Maariv, Ziad Abu Sneineh (26 years) filed a complaint to "Shin Beth" organization, and documented his testimony about the Israeli attack and the ordeal he went through by the occupation soldiers. Ziad Abu Sneineh who works at a taxi station said "the four soldiers arrived at his place of work in a Jeep, and asked him to relocate the taxis to the back of the workplace-out of sight. Frightened at the thought of resisting, Abu Sneineh and complied with the orders and then the series of torturous
and sadistic events started.

Ziad Abu Sneineh reported to "Shin Beth" that the officer ordered him to take off all his clothes despite the biting cold conditions, and when he refused the soldiers cuffed his hands behind his back and feet and blindfolded him
using a Palestinian (Koofiya), and took him aside, so that others would not see what was happening to him, then severely beaten him using their fists and the heels of their guns.

He said: "After that, the soldiers dragged me inside a water canal, the officer took out a water pistol (toy) and started spraying me with water," At some point I lost consciousness. I was beaten for 3 hours. After I gained conscious I told the soldiers that I underwent a medical surgery for a slipped "disk" in my back, the soldiers burst out with laughter and took pictures of the surgery scars using their cellular phone cameras.

Ziad Abu Sneineh said "during the torture and beatings the soldiers made a phone call to an intelligence officer known as "Captain Fathi ", who informed him that he was accused of attacking the soldiers and ordered him to come to the Shabak Service (GSS) centre in the Mount" Mnouhah ". When Ziad Abu Snaineh
begged him to tell the soldiers to stop torturing him, the officer told him that the matter was not of his concern.

Ziad Abu Sneineh explained that, after the soldiers got tired of beating him they asked to strip naked and dance for them as a condition should he wanted to be released. Then they turned on their cellular phones with music playing
and requested he start dancing, when he refused to comply they ordered him again to get inside the water canal and when he refused, they beat him again and then finally let go of him.

"Why did I have to report this incident?" asks Ziad Abu Sneineh. "Because nobody else did, and breaches of human rights are still going on by the Israeli's against the Palestinians".

A question to be pondered is-how does one become a torturous sadist? Is the
army implementing brainwashing techniques, dehumanizing soldiers so they can carry out horrific and sadistic attacks on people and not even feel guilty or remorseful? Does it go even deeper than that-are soldiers’ being implanted with microchips which command them internally via orders to kill, torture and commit sadistic acts without blinking an eye, and then going home and enjoying an evening with their families? Does the part of their brain which controls morals, feelings, guilt, sadness, conscious-eventually decay and die?
As technology is very advanced and micro chipping has been around for decades,this would not be surprising as it is beyond comprehension how a human being-could be so sadistic and cruel.

A major concern is the increased scale of torture, humiliation, and sadism practiced in the last few years. Other sadistic such examples come from Abu Graib prison in Iraq run by USA authorities, Guantanamo prison which is also
run by USA authorities, and many similar incidents in Pakistan.

Strangely, these countries which participate in torture and sadism are the same countries that claim to be democratic and classify themselves as number one in defending human rights. However Israel's record comes on top of all countries regarding preaching of International law in that respect. As we all know these are great lies perpetuated to make Israel look innocent in the eyes of the world. But slowly, the truth is being revealed to the world of the atrocities which are being committed by Israel.

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