Tuesday, November 4

McKenna; Israel may have "no choice but to act unilaterally against Iran"

"Later, in conversation with former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna, now deputy chair of the TD Bank Financial Group, Blair urged Canada to keep its troops in Afghanistan.
“This has got to be won, because if we retreat from Afghanistan we will be pushed back everywhere. If we do not stand up and fight for what we believe in, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Shiite militia and Al Qaeda will all take heart in it.
“They will lose heart if we stay and get the job done… We have no option but to see this through.”
He added that the battle “cannot only be won with weapons, but by the force of our ideas.”
McKenna also wondered how long it will be before Israel feels “it has no choice but to act unilaterally against Iran,” an comment to which Blair did not respond directly."
full story;
McKenna is, of course, only one of several high profile Liberals beating the drum for war with Iran...

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