Saturday, October 25

Paul Findley asks you to help keep If Americans Knew alive!

We are honored to send you a message from Paul Findley, in many ways the father of today's movement for justice and peace in the Middle East. Mr. Findley, the author of the seminal work on the Israel lobby, They Dare to Speak Out, was an 11-term Congressman whose own principled and courageous efforts for peace and justice caused him to be targeted for removal by those who favor Palestinian oppression. When Paul heard of our urgent financial difficulties, he wrote the following extremely kind words:

To my Friends:

Alison Weir is a precious resource for human rights, a journalist of unlimited passion and energy for justice in the Middle East.
As a reporter years ago, she became aware of the dreadful U.S. media bias that keeps the American people uninformed about our complicity in Israel's destruction and humiliation of Palestinians. She is giving her life to alerting our fellow citizens about the staggering price our country pays for this complicity.

I've been in the audience when Alison has captivated college students with her powerful illustrated exposure of U.S. media bias.
I've seen the high quality, splendid literature and DVDs distributed by If Americans Knew, the nonprofit organization Alison founded, and have marveled at her nonstop traveling on behalf of justice, often without even reimbursement of expenses.

I have just learned that Alison and her talented and creative team at If Americans Knew are now organizing a new project that will utilize the Internet to bring her message directly to America's households.
This project will by-pass our biased media and, in my view, is one of the most promising and exciting projects now underway by any organization.

Alas, this outstanding, unique campaigner for justice desperately needs financial help.
It would be an incomparable loss if she is forced to close down, or even suspend, the fine work of If Americans Knew for want of a few expense dollars. I am sending her a check, and I hope you will too.

With high hopes,
Paul Findley
We truly do need your help to continue our work.

Please donate: or mail to 6312 SW Capitol Hwy, #163, Portland, OR 97239.
The following is a list of some of our most recent and ongoing projects:

Ø Our website – aimed at all Americans from across the political spectrum – continues to receive over a million hits a month. We regularly get emails and phone message from people across the country who tell us: "I had no idea…"

Ø We create and ship thousands of DVDs, booklets, cards, and brochures to groups from throughout the nation to disseminate in their communities.

Ø We speak nationally and internationally to diverse groups of all ethnic, political, and religious backgrounds. Some people tell us that our presentation is the most effective they've attended. Former US Congressman Tom Campbell said of it:

"Ms Weir presents a powerful, well documented view of the Middle East today. She is intelligent, careful, and critical. American policy makers would benefit greatly from hearing her first-hand observations and attempting to answer the questions she poses. This is an intellectual, thought-provoking, and worthwhile presentation."

Even the New York Times reported, "When the speech ended, Ms. Weir was met with thunderous applause, and across the room there was a widespread sense of satisfaction that someone was saying what needed to be said."

Ø We happily provide our media analyses and studies to others to use in their own presentations. We work to collaborate with the many committed individuals and organizations working on this issjue.

Ø We write articles and investigative pieces and blow the whistle when journalists are failing in their responsibility to report fully and accurately on Israel-Palestine. For example, we produced an article published in CounterPunch and an excruciatingly detailed 30+-pagedocument on Israel's cruel policy of humiliating men, women, and children through stripping them. We encouraged national journalists to report fully on this despicable and pervasive Israeli policy.

Ø We supplied materials for a booth at the American Legion's national convention where hundreds of our booklets, brochures, and buttons about Israel's ruthless attack on the USS Liberty were disseminated to veterans from around the U.S.

Ø We distributed thousands of brochures, booklets, cards, and buttons to independent activists from throughout the country attending the national Ron Paul "Rally for the Republic"

Ø We regularly contact media to inform them of facts and newsworthy incidents they've overlooked and to help them correct inaccurate reports.

Ø We continue to make compelling, hard-hitting, fact-filled materials that provide the uninformed majority of Americans with entry-level information about the reality of this conflict.

As many of you know, such innovative and unflinching efforts to get the truth to Americans earn us considerable enmity from those who know that shining a light on injustice will end it.
Please help us shine this light. We desperately need any donation you can make….and please tell others of our need. Every dollar counts. Together, we will succeed.

Please donate: or mail to 6312 SW Capitol Hwy, #163, Portland, OR 97239.
Thank you,
Alison, Sarah, and Nathaly

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
- Edmund Burke

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