Saturday, September 6

TAKAFUL Palestine Refugee Support - Ramadan Appeal!

The Palestinian Refugee Support Network - TAKAFUL

announces its annual Zakat program

Donate online today:

TAKAFUL- the Palestinian Refugee Support Network urges all people of conscience to stand in solidarity with Palestinian refugees, especially in the absence of social welfare infrastructure, both in Palestine and in the refugee camps in Lebanon.

We urge all Muslims to allocate this year's Zakat al-Fitr and/or Zakat to helping provide refugees in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip with financial assistance by adopting one or more refugee families.

Only through your generous assistance will Palestinian children and their families enjoy a happy Eid (Feast)!

The TAKAFUL project provides a unique way to provide relief to Palestinian refugee families, through direct financial support that helps families sustain themselves and meet their minimum survival needs.

All donations from the U.S. are tax-deductible. Donate at

The Situation in Lebanon: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon continue to face disastrous conditions and face severe humanitarian crisis on an ongoing basis.

The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon receive very limited support from the UN, the Lebanese Government, and the PLO. Palestinian refugees are still not allowed to to work in more than 70 professions, causing high unemployment rates, and thus a high rate of poverty. Large families often live in small spaces due to limitations on the geographical expansion of the camps.

The Situation in the Gaza Strip: Our target for this month is to provide 100 families with $100 for each family directed towards food and school supplies.

The families served by the TAKAFUL program insist that their applications for support do not come to seek pity or mere charity, but instead, to seek solidarity with their struggle for dignity and for a normal life that is not bound by occupation and siege. The poverty that is hitting the Palestinian people is not a result of a natural disaster or an economic crisis, but as a result of the Israeli occupation and siege policies imposed upon them as a collective punishment.

At this time, funding from non-governmental organizations has been reduced to a minimum, and with the absence of social welfare infrastructure and lack of jobs, the TAKAFUL project provides a meaningful community-based relief alternative, by providing unconditional support, not ruled by political connections or conditions, from regular people like you.

As school starts this month, and the month of Ramadan is at our door steps, we hope that you'll consider making a general or an early Zakat donation to help families with school supplies and with the special celebration of the month of Ramadan, a month that is dear to families and beloved by children.

This year, consider adopting a family at $100 per month, or sharing in adopting a family at $25 or $60 per month.

If you are involved in an organization that would like to host a fundraiser for TAKAFUL to support Palestinian refugees, please contact us at!

Join TAKAFUL Today!

Together, we can uphold the dignity and rights of the Palestinian refugees.

Please contact the Palestinian Refugee Support Network - TAKAFUL at


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