Saturday, May 10

5,000 Sign Petition Supporting Dialogue with Hamas

From: Andrew Silvera

But first:

Financier of illegal Israeli settlements foiled in Dubai — Adalah-New York's campaign against
Leviev, the Russian-Israeli diamond dealer who has
 funded colonies in the West Bank, has new bite.
Dubai has reconsidered and rejected plans by
 Leviev to open two stores there, evidently
 because of his role in illegal colonization.

5,000 Sign Petition Supporting Dialogue with Hamas

5,000 of us agreed "Jimmy Carter speaks for me"
when he said Hamas must be included in any Israeli-
Palestinian peace process. We gave our petition -
 co-sponsored by "Just Foreign Policy" - to President
Carter, who told us, "I am grateful for the efforts of
Jewish Voice for Peace." (Read the full press release
 from the Carter Center here.) And we're going to give
the petition to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and
John McCain and ask them to support talking with
Hamas, too.

Today we learned that not only is the former president
hearing our voices, but the media is hearing us, too,
 including in Israel. The Huffington Post, Daily Kos,
CommonDreams - and The Jerusalem Post -
are all reporting that 5,000 people support
President Carter's brave position and believe
 that Hamas must be included in any
 Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
Let's raise that number to 20,000 and send an even
stronger message to the presidential candidates. If
you haven't signed already, will you sign our petition?
Either way, will you send it to 10 friends and family
and ask them to sign?

Sign the petition here:

Tell a friend to sign here:

And please read the Carter Center's press release
about our petition here. Our work means a lot to
President Carter. Please sign the petition and
 encourage others to sign!

5,000 Sign Petition Supporting Dialogue with Hamas — I support peace between Israelis
and Palestinians. Jimmy Carter speaks for me when
 he says that resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict requires talking to Hamas. 64% of Israelis
 have said they support talks with Hamas. Please
 support including talks with Hamas in efforts to
 achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians - plz sign

The petition was signed by 5,000 individuals from all 50 states.
A copy of the petition can be found on-line at:

Hamas/Fatah - Signs of Rapprochement — many in Fatah are now realising
 that Israel and its US guardian-ally are only utilising
 Palestinian national disunity to further weaken the
 Palestinian negotiating position. Observers in the
occupied Palestinian territories cite a number of
recent signs indicating that a certain thaw in the
 Hamas-Fatah showdown is taking place.

The Terror that begot Israel — many people around the world,
will not be fully aware of the manner in which Israel
came into existence. Similarly, the younger Zionist
 generations who don 't stop calling their Palestinian
 victims "terrorists" should have a clearer idea about
Israel's manifestly criminal past which Zionist school
textbooks shamelessly glamorize and glorify

20 Year Old Talk - Israel sponsoring Hamas?
Debate Panel on Israel:
Norman Finkelstein & Wolf Blitzer* watch! — In three parts and no music or titles.
Links for Parts 2 and 3 in Related Videos


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