By: Dr Salim Nazzal
The end report of the Peruvian diplomat, who was the representative of the UN in the Middle East, was prophetical in its characterization of the situation in Palestine, by predicting more violence in the area.
Unfortunately, few in the west in 2007 are willing to listen to De Soto conclusions just as few were willing to listen to the Un representative Bernadotte in 1948, but with one significant different. The Zionists murdered Bernadotte, while De Soto enjoys his retirement time. Describing the economical and the psychological impact of Israeli pressure on Gaza, De Soto makes it clear the 'Gaza remained an open air controlled indirectly by Israel on all borders, including the sea'.
This is clearly a fertile situation which creates an atmosphere of misery and consequently consolidates the culture of violence. Desoto was critical towards the western policy of encouraging the practice of democracy in Palestine, but rejects its results as in the hostile position to the results of the Palestinian election. Rather than seeking to begin dialogue with Hamas which showed clear signs of flexibility, the US and Europe besieged the occupied Palestine, which according to De Soto sends a message to all Palestinians that unless they 'choose' the correct party, then the west will punish them!!!. Soto is correct in diagnosing this problem and in his conclusions about the importance of reviewing the West policy in Palestine.
The natural question in regard to this is the policy makers in Europe need to understand their policy is a recite to the increasing frustration which has led to violence which sweeps the whole region. The Afghan experience should be a lesson by which the west should learn to correct their policy. In the period which ended the Soviet occupation, the west did nothing to help Afghanistan.
The result of this was the emergence of the Taliban with its strict ideology towards the west. Today the US and EU are playing on the Palestinian division, if not encouraging it directly. The binary policy of the 'good guys' in the west bank and the 'bad guys' in Gaza could be a catastrophic mistake because it could lead to an even more chaotic situation which may foster violence.
The western policy in dividing the Palestinian society between moderate West Bank and the extreme Gaza is a dangerous policy which is sending a message to all Palestinians the west goal is the same as the Israelis goal of divide and conquer and another step towards Palestinians not realize their dream. Therefore the punishment policy will push more Palestinians toward bitter views regarding the policy of the west, which prepare a fertile soil towards despair and extremism.
The Palestinian leadership is responsible also for the current events. Palestinian parliament has almost no role in the Palestinian inter fight. In a major crisis the Parliament should be the focal point to solve and control such troubles with their people. It is possible to argue the Palestinian parliament was absent from playing any role in the conflict, due to the existence of undemocratic thinking among influential Palestinian leaders on both sides.
The reality is that Israelis occupation is the major reason behind the ineffectiveness of the Palestinian legal institutions must not be ignored as the main source of the problem. Palestinian parliament has not been able to be active due to this. For instance Israel kidnapped the leader of the Palestinian parliament and other members and ministers which of course played a considerable role in paralyzing the Palestinian democracy.
Democracy can only develop and flourish through interaction and dialogue, through meetings and assemblies and how was this possible due to the actions of the Israelis, when they arrest the Palestinians elected to do this. So what is freedom and democracy?? The west's discourse regarding this is questionable of course.
The only conclusion to draw from this is the west rhetoric regarding democracy is beautiful on the surface but in reality it is creating the conditions that hinder this progress. Europe needs to ask themselves, how a parliament under such conditions can function. Of course the Palestinian political class has responsibility, but the atmosphere of the Palestinian democratic system is hampered in every way by the USA and EU support of Israel. If the hostile position of the US is the standard policy of the US toward the Palestinian cause, the EU countries must take major steps toward the Israeli occupation which is the originator of the violence.
The message which Europe need to think about is that the Palestinian divisions is just a first draft to how things will develop if Israel is not given a clear message this it is time to abide by international laws. The policy of supporting one Palestinian side against the other is a policy which the EU should avoid because it is an open invitation towards talibization in the Middle East and not just Palestine.
* The author is a Palestinian-Norwegian historian and political analyst. Can be contacted at:
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