Of course !! you might say ,
the USA does not lie and Israel has no reasons to attack Syria.
But it happened that Israel and the USA
have discovered a Nuclear Plant in Syria.
(375 km north of the Demona-plant in the Negev
where Vanunu has once worked......
So three Israeli-F16 took-off from Israel
and two stealth-fighters of the USAF
took off from Turkey.....they flew to Syria,
bombed a new recycling plant for used aluminium-beer-cans
and all came back safely and unharmed.
President El Assad called me on my Mobile (566.447.881)
and asked me to immediately investigate
and to defend him from this Media-hype
and from the Wolfs of the Pentagon.
I called my good old friend Dr. Watson
who also responded and immediately came to me,
even on a Sunday afternoon.
After the tee and biscuits ,
we looked at the photos provided by :
The Tel Aviv association-of-photo-montages-amateurs
Within ten minutes of contemplation , I shouted :
Elementary my dear Watson !!
of course !! where is the water ??
Dr. Watson handed me a glass of water, from the tray
which I politely refused......
No Watson not that water .......but the other water !
Watson shook his head , as if he were getting confused .
No Watson no !!....... I mean the water used
to cool down the atomic reactors.....where is it ??
This site in Syria has no river , no lake and a sea near to it.
So how could they cool the reactors....unless there are no reactors !!
By Jove !! Watson ,
it is like a bathroom but without water
or driving with no water in the radiator !!!
I picked up the phone and called Damascus Nr. 5662447
President Assad was very pleased and assured me that my pay-check
will be sent with tomorrow's post.
Sherlock Hommos
Ministry of Reeducation and Ethical-information.
30 April 2008
My favourit-Queen's day.
PS :
Please note that the are Nuclear-Plants
and No-clear-plants......
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