Saturday, April 12

Hamas warns of popular uprising against Israeli siege on Gaza

Gaza – Ma'an – The de facto
government in the Gaza Strip
said on Saturday that Palestinians
in the coastal region are likely
to take matters into their own
hands to end the Israeli siege
and they will support them.

However de facto government spokesman, Taher An-Nono,
denied that anyone was planning to breach the Egyptian
border, as happened in January. He said "No one is
threatening Egypt and no one is permitted to do so,"
he told a press conference on Saturday.

He said that any Palestinian uprising against the siege
would not be directed against Egypt, stressing that
Palestinians know what they are doing and their
threats are only directed at Israel.

"It is the right of our people to defend their rights
and to confront injustice especially the blockade imposed
on Gaza which is totally unacceptable," he said.

An-Nono added that about 80% of vehicles are without
fuel and schools and universities may close as staff and
students are unable to get to class.

He continued saying that Egypt and other Arab and Islamic
countries should work to lift the blockade and Palestinians
will not remain silent when they see that people are being
killed in the Gaza Strip. "These people will not die in silence,"
he said, criticizing the Arab and Islamic silence on the siege.

An-Nono also warned of the "risks" of the
Palestinian-Israeli meetings, describing the meetings as
"a second Oslo that is being prepared secretly."

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