Tuesday, March 11

international call-girl Ring Master has ties to Israel

He might be be charged with being
the ring leader but I am sure if they
really investigated you would
see many from Israel were involved
The feds busted a diamond-studded international call-girl ring
that offered well-heeled johns "fashion models, pageant
winners and exquisite students" for up to $5,500 an hour -
after one of the prostitutes turned on her pimp, authorities said.

The johns paid as much as $50,000 for a weekend with a
prostitute and had the option of purchasing a "buy out"
of their favorite girls, which allowed them to book trysts
directly with the hookers, Manhattan federal prosecutors said.

The Emperors Club, an upscale escort service, ranked its hookers
on a seven-diamond scale on its Web site and then charged its
wealthy clientele accordingly for "dates," court papers said.

Four people were charged with prostitution and
tax crimes for allegedly raking in more than $1 million
with a stable of 50 girls that serviced clients in
New York, Washington, LA, San Francisco, Chicago,
Miami, Las Vegas, London, Paris and Vienna.

Mark Brener, the 62-year-old alleged ring leader from
Monmouth Junction, NJ, along with his girlfriend and
alleged top madam, 23-year-old Cecil "Katie" Suwal, ,
from Cliffside Park, NJ, both face up to five years in prison
on prostitution charges and 20 years behind bars
for money laundering.

Authorities raided Brener's home early and
found $600,000 in cash and 19,000 in Euros
in various safes, prosecutors said.

Brener, they said, had two Israeli passports in addition
to his US passport.

Two other women, Tanya Hollander, 36, a nutritionist from
upstate Rhineback, and Temeka Rachelle Lewis, 32, of Brooklyn,
face similar charges for handling the day-to-day business.

For several years, wealthy men could go online and pick
through mini-biographies of the women.
Their bodies were pictured but their faces obscured.

"Raquel," who worked in New York and LA, was described
as "an avid writer, actress and journalist."

Men paid $1,100 to $5,500 an hour or could get
discounted day or multiple-day rates of $25,000 to $50,000.
American Express and wire transfers were accepted.

Sometimes the women took imprints of the men's credit
cards on the spot and faxed them back to the pimping couple.

The operation started to unravel after one of the hookers
agreed to become a confidential source for the FBI in late 2006.

The Emperors Club boasted of customer satisfaction,
but not all the employees were happy.

One prospective prostitute in London e-mailed Suwal in
January complaining that the $1,000 an hour she'd
receive was too low, especially if the john wanted
sex twice in an hour.

"This is the kind of money I make very easily in photo shoots,"
she wrote. "But to provide sex for 500 pounds [$1,000] an hour,
I just thing [sic] this is not a price I would ever consider,"
an e-mail intercepted by the FBI read.

Brener was held with no bail after prosecutors said
he's a flight risk. Suwal was held in lieu of $500,000 bail.

Hollander and Lewis were each released on
$250,000 bail that they have one week to pay.

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