Friday, March 7


*Please forward Widely*
Your donations go directly to needy
families as direct Financial support
Their cries require our response -
Donate online now: http://

Support a refugee family in
Gaza through
TAKAFUL: The Palestinian Refugee
Support Network today!

Every day, the news from Gaza continues to pour in
- news that highlights the urgent humanitarian crisis for the
people of Gaza. Following a week in which more than 70
Palestinians were killed, many of them are children, by
invading Israeli military forces and arial strikes and hundreds
wounded by the ongoing bombing raids and invasions.
Your contribution is tax-deductible in the United States.
Contribute online TODAY and help to break the
humanitarian crisis on the people of Gaza!

* More than 1.5 million Palestinians are under siege and
already denied food, clean water, electricity and medical supplies.
In the last year alone.

* More than 26,000 homes were totally or partially destoyed
by the Israeli military bombings in Gaza Strip.

* Health conditions are also deteriorating, especially on the
nutrition level, where one third of women and more than
24% of Toddlers & Infants are Anemic. Medical aide does not
provide the answer for this crisis, but rather, it is resolved
merely by providing the means to obtain food.

* More than 64% of Palestinian families live with less than
500 NIS ($120), half of it from the unsustainable human
aid from national and international relief organizations.

* There is a 40% unemployment rate among Palestinian
households in the Gaza Strip.

* 70% of the planted lands on the border of the Gaza
Strip were destroyed by Israeli tanks.

* 100% of families suffer from psychological stress.
At this time, your support is desperately needed to help
break the siege of Gaza and alleviate the humanitarian
crisis that weighs so heavily on the people of Gaza.
TAKAFUL-Palestinian Refugee Support Network urges
all people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the
people of Gaza during these difficult times by adopting
a Gazan family at $100 per month, or sharing in adopting
a family at $60 per month. TAKAFUL project provides a
unique way to provide relief to Palestinian refugee
families, through direct financial support that helps
families sustain themselves and their minimum
survival needs.

Currently, the Palestinian Authority, foreign NGO's and community
based organizations are hardly capable of providing enough
resources and aide to meet the minimum needs of the
impoverished Palestinian families in Gaza Strip,
especially in the refugee camps.
Join TAKAFUL Today and
Together, we can uphold the dignity and
rights of the Palestinian Refugees

TAKAFUL: The Palestinian Refugee Support Network

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