Monday, February 25

SPHR condemns terrorist attack at Ryerson Univer sity in Toronto Canada

SPHR condemns terrorist attack at
Ryerson University in Toronto.

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights with
its' 14 branches and affiliates across Canada, stand
shoulder to shoulder with our Black
brothers and sisters at Ryerson University who
have suffered from a terrorist attack on the offices
of the East African Students Group (EAST).

The arson attack targeted the bulletin board of
EAST witch carried posters and information against
Racisim, Islamophobia, and Military Occupation. This attack
follows the re-activation in Canada of the
Jewish Defense League (JDL),
the only Jewish group labeled by the FBI
as a "right-wing terrorist group."

On February 4th at Ryesron University during events
held by Black and Palestinian students,
around 50 JDL members harassed students attending
the lecture without police interference. This sent a message
to the JDL and other Jewish supremacist individuals that it
is acceptable to target visible minorities in our cities.
Furthermore, this decision by the Toronto
police to stand-by idly only emboldened those who
committed this terrorist action a week later.

The police are not alone in creating a climate of acceptance
around the JDL as several Jewish news agencies, including
the Canadian Jewish News, have touted the founder of the
Canadian JDL, Meir Weinstein, as a strong leader to be
respected and covered the racist harassment at
Ryerson U on the 4th as community empowerment.

On the US side of the border, the JDL was responsible
for many murders and arson attacks in the 1980s, leading
the FBI to label them "the second most active terrorist group
in the United States." In Canada after the tragic events of
September 11, 2001, the JDL Chairman,
Montreal born Irv Rubin, initiated a campaign of bomb
scares and death threats against students at Concordia
University who were critical of US and Israeli state policies.
At the time, Montreal Police also were
unconcerned by the JDL threat. Community
members were assured by Montreal police officers that
Ruben was only able to recruit 5 students at Concordia.
Of course it takes only one person to wreck
havoc upon innocents. A few months later Irv Rubin was
arrested by police in Florida preparing to bomb a host of
targets, including the largest Mosque in the USA and
Concordia University in Montreal.

We urge the Toronto Police force to take our
concerns seriously and investigate any links that could be
made between the attack on the East African Students group
and the reconstitution of the JDL in
Canada. Inaction on the part of the police will send the wrong
message to those who perpetrated this heinous act.

We also call on Jewish organizations to speak
loudly against Jewish supremacy, violence and terrorism
within their community. Setting a good example in tolerance
is the only way any community can isolate fanatics.

We finally call on all people to join
Ryerson students in solidarity
on Tuesday, February 26 at NOON
outside the Cafeteria at the
University to show our opposition to such acts.

To Contact SPHR-National:
Laith Marouf
Chapter Coordinator
(514) 999-1948

To contact affected students at Ryerson University:
Mohammed Malik, East African Students of Toronto
@ Ryerson,
Heather Kere,
Vice-President Education of the Ryerson Students' Union or (416) 979-5255 ext. 2318

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