Sunday, February 17

Legal Slave Trade In Israel

Desert Peace Editorial

Desert Peace

The wall of Apartheid in Israel has made it virtually
impossible for many Palestinian workers to cross over to
the Israeli side for work purposes. This has resulted
in a mass influx of foreign workers, especially those
that work as caregivers for the old and sick of the
nation. Hundreds of thousands of these people are
in Israel today, most with valid visas, many
who are here illegally.

The tales they tell are unbelievably shameful and
expose yet another aspect of the racism inherent
in zionism…. I’ll deal with just one of these stories
in this post, but keep in mind that this is just one
of a thousand of such examples…

A disabled man was approached not long ago by
a man who asked if he had or needed a caregiver.
The disabled person was wheelchair bound which
made him an ‘easy target’ for the scam in the making.
He was informed that he could get a worker in his
home for ten hours a week and it would not cost
him a thing…. that’s a hard offer to refuse.

Papers were filled out, documents were signed,
interviews with government agencies, etc., etc.
Finally, all was approved and a foreign worker
from Sri Lanka was on his way to what he hoped
would be a possible way to make a few bucks to
help his destitute family back home…. BOY, was
he in for a surprise!

Upon arrival in Israel the ‘agency’ that brought him
here demanded $1,500 up front to start the process
of obtaining the proper documents for his employment.
At the Minister of Interior’s office he had to shell
out another $40 to get the work permit stamped
in his passport. He was then ready to go to work…..
but where?

His visa was obtained in the name of the disabled
man mentioned at the beginning of this post…. but
he won’t actually be working for him full time…
just for 10 hours a week… at no cost to him.
What happens the rest of the week??, and
who pays this worker for the 10 ‘free hours’ of labour???

The ‘agency’ arranges for this worker to perform his
duties as caregiver in someone else’s home…. someone
that was not able to obtain a visa in their own name.
The wage is way below the minimum, the hours
are long, and the person must be available during
his ‘free time’. Accommodation is often provided at
a fee…. usually higher than one would normally pay.
At the end of the month, his salary is barely enough
for him to survive, let alone send money to
his family as was planned.

The ten ‘free hours’ are ‘payment’ to the original
person for obtaining the visa.. NO ONE PAYS FOR IT.
the worker is a virtual slave to this person.

This entire procedure is considered the ‘norm’ in
Israel…. as it was in the southern American States
after slavery was officially ended. It is a demonstration
of the non value of life placed upon those ‘not of the tribe’
by the Israeli government.

What happens if this worker refuses to do his ‘obligated’
free hours? Simple, his visa is revoked and he darts off to
unknown territory and becomes a soldier in the army of
illegal immigrants… eventually caught and deported….

The ‘agency’ then arranges to bring over a new worker
from abroad and the entire process is repeated as well
as more money going into the coffers of these scam masters.

In this particular case, the worker had a lucky streak…
. he told the original person involved what was going on….
the man was shocked beyond belief. He told the worker
that he would not have to work for him, that he would
not report this and his visa would not be canceled. He
was then free to work wherever he wanted, legally.

The ‘agency’ got wind of the situation and visited the
disabled person at home, wanting to know why the
worker was not doing his ‘time’ for him. The man
explained that he did not need his services as he had
a regular worker come in once a week to clean the
house, that was all he required… simple explanation….
but not so simple reaction…

The agency contacted the foreign worker, told him that
he would have to give them an additional $150 a month
to cover the cost of the man’s cleaning help… or they
would cancel his visa. Can we call this blackmail??

The worker then visited the man and wanted to know
if he intended to cancel his visa… he was told that he was
promised otherwise and not to worry and
NOT TO GIVE THE ‘AGENCY’ THE $150. the ‘agency’
could NOT cancel the visa without the man’s approval.

In this case, the worker continues to function legally
with no fear of deportation…. the ‘agency’ lost out on
their scam… and all ended well. This is not the case for
thousands of others who are virtually slaves to this
inhumane system… a system known about and allowed
to continue by the zionist regime.

Israel does not discriminate in who they discriminate
against… racism, exploitation, occupation, and now
slavery are an integral part of their system…
I wonder what Abe Foxman would say about all of this
…. I’m sure one of his cronies will direct him to this post.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

© 2008 Desert Peace



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