Saturday, February 9

Fwd: Liberation Theology... Great Title!

Andrew Silvera

Hey man, Moses nicked the Ten

Commandments, is that conspiracy?


Liberation Theology...

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues

Today, for the first time in decades, the stars have
 been stripped away from our national flag.

Our flag looks like some barren land with no stellar
 luminosity, some black hole, some chaotic big bang...

There's no Milky Way, no Venus and no Aphrodite...
There's an anachronistic, pagan, marble God scripted
on a cheap satin flag.
He's even desperately wondering who He really is.
And He wonders...
Funny that, someone asked me who I was the
other day, what sort of question is that? All I
 know, in another lifetime I would've been
telling his fortune using Numerology, in
another lifetime I would've been a marine
 archaeologist diving into the Black Sea l
ooking for Atlantis but as it is I'm just one of
Robert Tressel's, Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
 who happens to know his own Numbers well
enough to know he has something in common
with Mr Tressel - in that he'll be worth more when
 dead than alive. But what a great title, Liberation
Theology, I just dug up a piece of writing I put
together some years ago now which at the time
I called, Is Hinduism Older Than Moses? and
upon reading it again, thought it didn't really
answer the question but what else can I call it?
Who am I? & at the end of the day, does it really
matter? Here's a little song from WW2:
& here we go again:
Max Blumenthal's latest takes us on a shocking and at
times bizarre tour of right-wing Pastor John Hagee's annual
Washington-Israel Max Blumenthal's latest takes us on a
shocking and at times bizarre tour of right-wing Pastor
John Hagee's annual Washington-Israel Summit,
blowing the cover off the Christian Zionist movement
 in the process. Starring Joe Lieberman, Tom DeLay,
Pastor John Hagee, Ambassador Dore Gold and a
host of rapture-ready evangelicals praying for Armaggedon.

(more) (less)
But anyway, while the politicians busy themselves
usurping our religions, give an image unto the next
beast, as a pretext for the next war etc, I still can't decide,
 Liberation Theology? Anyway, here's a little excerpt from:
Is Hinduism Older Than Moses?
It almost enrages me these days when I see
a vicar or a Billy Graham on the TV or at an Anti-War Rally
spouting out that we shouldn't steal or lie, there is no sense of why?
 Especially as leaders of the world's richest nations have no qualms
with the exploit & abuse of the world's poorest. How come it remains
illegal to grow Cannabis for personal use? Yet it is quite OK for our
government to sell £1 billion of weapons to Thailand for example.
My argument is this: our whole concept of time revolves around a
 certain geezer in this 'Bible', the world's alleged most prestigious
 book surely, it stands for something? Not anymore, Israel & America
know better, 'liberation by occupation!'
On the west bank of the Nile there is the Temple el Medina,
a product from the final days of a once 'great, ancient, civilisation',
namely Egypt. It was dedicated to the Goddess of cosmic equilibrium
Maat. It's walls are inscribed with hieroglyphic texts expressing ancient
 religious & spiritual ideas. These texts include the 42 'Negative Confessions',
for some kind of funeral rites, for example:
No.4 I have not stolen
No.5 I have not slain man or woman
No. 6 I have not uttered falsehood
No. 19 I have not defiled the wife of a man
These texts are describing practices & involving Deities,
which are present in the oldest surviving scriptures known to
 man (so far), the Egyptian Pyramid Texts of the 3rd millennium BC
& again have a familiar ring to them. This is a bit of a 'spanner in the
 works', who is to say that this 'funeral practice,' is not older than
 Moses?  Who is to say Moses didn't just remember something that
he had heard at an Egyptian Funeral? Moses' Ten Commandments were
 like a road map for the peaceful migration of his warring tribes. He was a
 desperate man who had to lay down The Law if his conflicting parties
were to reach their destination in tact.  One thing Moses has over
the others is his Covenant with God, a binding agreement, in reality it is a
'karmic' guarantee! He gives us a great choice, either we learn to live
in harmony with each other & adhere to 'His' Commandments or we face
'Armageddon'. 3,000 years on & the Children of Israel do still not understand
'karma,' maybe it is just the Western way of teaching i.e. So that no-one
learns anything.
That's a bit strange though, Moses brings his people out of Egypt
 and then imposes laws that Egyptians were supposed
 to adhere to, h'mm.
There's a great pic in that first video of a demonstrator
holding up a banner, which reads 'Who would Jesus bomb?'
 Another silly question but when pressed for the 'great'
commandment, Jesus, he got it down to two:
Matt 37-40, "Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart -
- thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself - -
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Nowadays of course we don't need commandments,
God talks direct to world leaders and they can become a
law unto themselves, who needs laws when we can quite
rightly have wars for oil, kill the poor, that's what I say?
 Caligula and Dubya have a fair bit in common, they certainly
managed to liberate us from theology. But without Jesus'
bare minimum of two commandments, there is no law and
without Jesus, there is no time and I'm supposed to be an
Anti-Armageddonist but hey! What does that matter?


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