Saturday, February 9


Andrew Silvera

I don't know about you but I'm getting seriously
conflicting reports. What I do know is that if this War
Criminal gets anywhere near the position of European
President, the prospects of this - a detailed background
 to the coming war with Iran, to be started by Israel,
to stave off any popular rebellion – automatically
become far greater, when in reality the only Euro
pean town the renowned Bliar should be paying a
 trip to is The Hague:
NATO and Israel: Instruments of Americ
a's Wars in the Middle East
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research, January 29, 2008
NATO's Role in the Middle East War Theatre
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
is the iron fist of America, Britain, France, and
Germany. These four Western nations are the pi
llars of NATO
The Blair project gains momentum
Feb 04 2008 19:25
Rumours grow ever stronger that Tony Blair m
ight want to run Europe now that the ex-p
rime minister has stopped running the UK.
The British press reports that Blair met former top
aides at Davos last month to plot a pitch for th
e new job as a permanent president of the Euro
pean Union. Up till now countries have taken turns
in the chair but after the Lisbon treaty is ratified the
re will be one person at the top for a fixed term.

Read more »
'Blair Government under police
investigation for war crimes
Press Conference 

Press Release: Scotland Yard to investi
gate Tony Blair and ex-Attorney General P
eter Goldsmith for war crimes

Press Conference, Room C, to brief MPs and
 the media on allegations of war crimes committed
 against the people of Iraq by Britain's former
Prime Minister and former Attorney General.

Officers from Scotland Yard have commence
d a criminal investigation into the deaths of
Iraqi citizens killed during the armed inva
sion and occupation of Iraq.
Law lords to rule whether decis
ion to invade Iraq warrants inquiry
by Clare Dyer
"Questions about the legality of Tony Bl
air's decision to join the US in invading
Iraq will come under the spotlight befor
e a rarely convened panel of nine law lor
ds in Britain's highest court next week."
I'll be president of Europe if
you give me the power
- Blair:
Former PM consults old Downing Str
eet allies on campaign for new EU role
Mind you, latest reports suggest w
ar with Iran could start any minute:
Manufacturing Consent Fo
r War With Iran
: ?
US claims rise in Iran-made b
omb attacks in Iraq
Attacks using Iranian-made roadside bombs in a
 key part of Baghdad rose in January to the
highest level in a year, the U.S. military said.

U.S. labels Iran's rocket tests as "unfortunate" :
The United States described on Monday Iran's launching a
rocket into space as "unfortunate," which, the White House
said, will isolate the Islamic republic from the
 international community.

Internet cable cut in Middle Ea
st - Should Iran be worried?:
There has been some concern that the unde
rsea internet cables, that have been cut rece
ntly, are perhaps no accident?
US anti-missile ship to dock in Haifa:
An American missile ship set to dock at Haifa
 Port on Monday is equipped with an anti-missile
defense system that could be deployed in the region
in the event of an Iranian missile attack against Israel.
Israelis told to prepare 'rocket rooms' for war
2-3-08  • 
"Today in Israel only one third of apartments have
 such a room able to provide shelter... they have
neither an air filter nor ventilation system enabling anyone
 to stay there for a long time,"


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