Sunday, January 6

Four Actions for peace and must read articles

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." (Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael.)

Actions before news and commentary (and silence is complicity)

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Take Action 1: Help set the agenda for Bush visit to Palestine
Click Here

Take Action 2: Israel apartheid week around the world: take action Feb 3-9
Click Here

Take Action 2: Support this great initiative
Click Here

Take Action 4: Read this insightful article on the presidential candidates and Israel. It is called "Israel's False Friends" just published in the LA Times and then right a letter to the editor at
Click Here For The Article

News of actions, Articles, Opinions etc
The latest issue of the Link published by Americans For Middle East Understanding is now available online and it focuses on Hamas
(both PDF and html versions available)

Santa Clause AKA-Jeff Halper delivers a Christmas present to the Mayor
of Jerusalem
Click Here

Gilad Atzmon - The Tzabar and the Sabbar: A Refection on Memory and Nostalgia
Click Here

My article about the failure of the Annapolis meeting was published in Final Call (print and Web editions). It is at

Elliott Abrams, Dual Loyalist and Neocon Extraordinaire

Bhutto And The Jews: A Love Story
Asked why Bhutto, whose networking was the stuff of legend, had sought him out at such a crucial time, Gillerman was a realist. "I believe she was aiming not just at Jerusalem but Washington, as well," he said. "Maybe Israel could be influential in convincing Washington to give her more support. I’m not sure. It was sort of implied."
Click Here

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