Saturday, December 22

All the love.. from occupied Nablus

Scroll down for a moving holiday message from a Palestinian in Nablus who lost his mother and speaks of love this holiday season. But first, from today's news that you will not see on Fox or CNN (Wolf Blitzer used to work for the Israel lobby, now works for CNN):

+ Six people (including my friend Iyad Burnat) were injured yesterday in the weekly non-violent demonstration in Bil'in as Apartheid Israel's soldiers opened fire with rubber-coated steel bullets and canisters of toxic gases.
+ ("O little town of Bethlehem...") Bethlehem Checkpoint movie, a product of Images for Life photo and video training project of Al-Rowwad Children Theater in Aida Refugee Camp
English Subtitles:
with French subtitles:
+ Jerusalem Latin Patriarch (Catholic Church highest official in the Holy Land) criticizes concepts of religious states
So the racist Zionist ADL slams him: "Jewish advocacy group voices concern over top Roman Catholic official's rejection of Israel as a Jewish nation ...",7340,L-3485133,00.html
But the ADL has "A false veneer of moral authority", see
+ Gaza residents observe Eid AlAdha (feast of the sacrifice) without access to food let along fulfilling religious obligations of sacrificing animals to commemorate Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son. More stressful is that patients are dying (>50 already died) thanks to the Israeli siege of Gaza.
+ Celebrating a snowy Christmas... in Tehran, Iran
+ (Must read) So what have we done to them By Nehemia Shtrasler

Message from a Palestinian in Nablus (Saad Abuhijleh, his mother was murdered by Israeli soldier while at the balcony in her home):

Beloved sisters, brothers, family, friends, and colleagues,

May you have a blessed Eid Al Adha, merry Christmas, and a happy New Year...
Be true to the voice that comes from within...
Be Love for Love is the only way
That leads to that place where you do not have to say… a word... to be understood…
That leads to that bed in which you can sleep and dream like a baby… :-)
Be gentle with nature and nature will be gentle with you…
Slow down and feel yourself… do not overwhelm yourself with too many unnecessary inputs… first things first… do not sell the long-term for the short-term… walk with grace…you are the steward of Allah on Earth… join hands and energies with other Lovers that have understood the Way… allow for the synergies of Love to carry us all to the higher consciousness that will allow us to heal the bleeding wounds and the broken hearts…. And smile… let your whole Being smile… and do not understand the power of those sweet words you tell to your friends… the Arabs say “The good word comes out and the bad word comes out”…. So make it the good one :-) But if you hear a bad word that hurts you, learn how to forgive…

I pray to Allah almighty to protect you all and to gather us all on the right path… to unite us in the cause of peace…to forsake selfishness and be good to each other…

Our great prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) said: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî]

Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) also said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should say something good or remain silent.”

Allah almighty says in the Quran: “By time! Surely the human being is at loss. Except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience.” [Sûrah al-`Asr]

Salaam from a city that lies between two mountains, Ebal and Jerzim…

Salaam from those who are waiting patiently for the dawn…

All the Love,

Your brother,
Saed J. Abu-Hijleh

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
'Recall the face of the poorest and most helpless person whom you may have seen and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him, will he be able to gain anything by it? Will it restore him to control over his life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj, self-rule for the hungry and also spiritually starved millions of our countrymen? Then you will find your doubts and your self melting away.' Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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