Monday, June 25

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines June 25, 2007 ~

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda

ILA destroys Bedouin homes in Negev in order to build Jewish town

The ILA is destroying the village and evacuating the inhabitants so that a Jewish Community named "Hiran" can be established in the area. Fourteen shacks, which housed some 100 people, have been destroyed by bulldozers so far. Bedouin women tried to get their children out of the house but police wanted to speed up the process so they grabbed the play pens with the children inside and did not let the mothers come near. "Tonight we will sleep on the ground", Fajua Ab Abu Al-Cian said.

Hamas releases audio message from Gilad Shalit

Hamas released an audio message purportedly from kidnapped Israel Defense Forces corporal Gilad Shalit on Monday, in what is the first concrete sign of life from Shalit since his abduction exactly one year ago.

Hamas official: Release of tape act of goodwill

"The organization's (Hamas') military wing displayed goodwill, which can be built upon towards the continuation of a prisoner exchange deal," Hamas spokesman Razi Hamad said in an official response to Monday's release of an audio message by kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

Extreme rightist convicted of supporting terror group

Right-winger Itamar Ben-Gvir charged on four counts of incitement, support of terror organization, found guilty of carrying signs saying 'Kahane was right', 'Expel Arab enemy'. Prosecutors consider requesting jail time.

Oxfam condemns the caging of Gaza
International agency Oxfam today condemned aid blockade of Gaza that is leaving 1.3 million people are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis. Oxfam called on all actors in the conflict to ensure that urgently needed food, medicine and water supplies are allowed in immediately.

As guns fall silent, Gazans fear isolation

As the guns of factional violence in Gaza have fallen silent, many Palestinians in the territory worry they are being abandoned by President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah group now bent on punishing their Islamist rivals.

Oxfam warns of new Gaza 'sewage tsunami'

Aid agency Oxfam International warned Monday that the tight restrictions placed by Israel on goods passing into Gaza risk sparking another septic system collapse like that which killed at least five people in March.

UNRWA warehouses in Gaza will be empty in one week
UNRWA expressed on Monday its great concern at the continuing border closures around the Gaza Strip.

Israel continues construction of Alon Mureh settlement at the expense of Palestinian land

Residents of the eastern part of Nablus city, located in the northern West Bank, and nearby towns and villages have expressed shock at the continued construction of the Alon Mureh settlement .

Islamic Jihad fighter assassinated in Gaza

Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Sunday at night that one resident was killed after the Israeli air force fired at least one missile at a Palestinian vehicle driving in Al Nasser Street, north of Gaza City.

Video: Arrest of Head of Bilin popular committee

A Video of the arrest of Iyad Burnat,head of the popular committee in Bil'in, During the demonstration against the annexation barrier on the 22 of June. Iyad was injured by teargas, when a couple of soldiers ran to him and arrested him for no apparent reason. He was taken for questioning in Shaar Binyamin police station, and from there to Ofer prison. An officer remanded his arrest by 4 days, which are very likely to become 8, after which they will have to bring him in front of a judge if they want to keep him. Attorney Gaby Laski will filed an urgent request for his release.

Tel Rumeida: Breaking and Entering Palestinian Homes

On June 22nd, 2007 at about 6:30 pm two international human rights workers were walking up the stone staircase past the graffittied house on which is written "Watch out Fatima will rape all Arab Woman," signed by JDL (Jewish Defense League).

Rice defends U.S. policy despite Mideast strife
"The stability in which Yasser Arafat turned down an opportunity for the Palestinian people to have their own state -- that was stability?" she added. alluding to the failure of U.S.-brokered peace talks between the late Palestinian leader and former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak in 2000. ( Iraq has WMD! )

Israel releases Palestinian funds

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sought to play down expectations for the meeting in Egypt with Abbas, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Jordan's King Abdullah II. An Olmert aide said it was premature to begin talks on a final Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, despite urging from Fatah and other Arab countries to take immediate advantage of the Hamas militants' expulsion from the coalition government. Deposed Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, speaking in Gaza, called hopes for the summit "illusions" and a "mirage."

With friends like these...

President George W. Bush, the one whose semi-hallucinatory dream of democratization has become a genuine reality of anarchy; whose adopted vision of two states - Israel and Palestine - has become during his tenure a distant dream. It is difficult to think of an American president who has caused more damage to Israeli interests than the president who is considered one of the friendliest to Israel of all time. No leader has done more than Bush - by commission as well as omission - to destroy the Palestinian Authority under Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.

The only chance to defeat Hamas

Also from the point of view of the leaders of Egypt and Jordan, ongoing Hamas rule in the strip constitutes a threat to their regimes. In light of this, they have escalated their rhetoric against Hamas in recent days. Regarding the threat posed by a growing Iranian presence in the Gaza Strip, as far as the United States, Israel and other countries are concerned - there is no need to elaborate further. In this context it appears that the debate over the Gaza Strip will mostly concentrate on tightening the siege and the area's isolation.

Israel court upholds jail term for ex-PM's son
His prosecution in 2006 followed a police investigation into allegations of illegal financing of Ariel Sharon's successful 1999 campaign for the leadership of the right-wing Likud, which had also entanged the then prime minister. Ariel Sharon quit Likud to form the Kadima party in November 2005 -- just months after pulling Israel out of the Gaza Strip after 38 years of occupation -- before suffering a brain haemorrhage in January 2006 that ended his career.

Hamas may become victim of own success
Isolating group further serves no one's interest.

The Crisis in Gaza

The old dream of Ariel Sharon is becoming a reality: Palestinians are killing Palestinians, and Israel is counting the number of victims with great satisfaction. The tears of Israeli leaders are crocodile tears, and their claims that they are sorry for the tragic developments in Gaza are mere hypocrisy. The bloody confrontations were predictable, and the Israeli-US responsibility and active involvement are crystal clear.

Hamas war chief reveals his plans for Gaza peace

At the height of the fighting 10 days ago in Gaza City, the commander of the Hamas militants laying siege to the Palestinian Authority compound received a call from his Fatah counterpart inside. 'He asked if we were going to invade and take the building,' said Abu Obieda, the top Hamas military commander for the Gaza Strip. 'He said if we entered his compound, he would kill himself.'

The Triumph of US/Israeli Policy in Palestine

Contrary to the many claims that the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip represents the failure of US and Israeli policies in Palestine, the violent civil infighting that has dominated the Gaza Strip over much of the last year and a half and that led directly to the Hamas coup of June 2007, marks yet another major foreign policy victory for the occupiers. Hamas will never be allowed to remain in power in Gaza so we must fear for the future of that tiny, desperately overcrowded strip of land and its 1.4 million inhabitants; additionally, Abbas ­in order to maintain his role as "Good Guy"- will have to accede to the dictates of Israel and the United States or suffer the same fate as his predecessor, Yassir Arafat.

New trial against Israeli Arab film director
One of Israel's most prominent actors of Palestinian origin, Mohammad Bakri, may face jail after producing a documentary on Israel's 2002 attack in the Jenin Refugee Camp, situated in the northern West Bank.

Dr.Barghouthi: Israel does not want peace
Legislator Mustafa Barghouthi, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, said that Israel does not want peace with Palestine because Israeli officials refuse to move forward with peace negotiations.

Finkelstein case: Academic freedom loses to Israeli lobby
DePaul University's Promotion and Tenure Board's 8 June 2007 decision to deny tenure to professors Norman G. Finkelstein and Mehrene Laurdee has placed DePaul University on the brink of a legitimacy crisis that threatens to irrevocably harm the very fabric of a university that has placed social justice and activism at the heart of its Vincentian mission since 1898. What does it mean that this Vincentian University has denied tenure to two passionate advocates of social justice who not only met the tenure requirements of their departments and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences but clearly surpassed them?

'We Will Try to Form an Islamic Society'

Zahar: There would be no difference from how it looks today, because our customs and traditions in Gaza are already Islamic. Marriage, divorce, daily business -- everything is Islamic. As soon as we have a state, then everyone will have their freedom. Christians will remain Christians, parties could be secular or even Communist.

Nir Rosen on CNN

"NIR ROSEN, JOURNALIST: Well, it already did. We created a civil war. This is actually outrageous. Outgoing U.N. envoy to the Middle East peace process, Alvaro De Soto, himself accused the U.S. of fomenting a civil war by training, funding and arming Fatah thugs and inserting them into Gaza to destabilize the Hamas government. We never gave them a chance.

Zahhar: we found "shocking" secret information in the Palestinian security services' buildings in Gaza
Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip, Mahmoud Zahhar, on Monday announced that he unveiled top secret information in buildings belonging to the Palestinian security services in the Gaza Strip.

Suleiman to Haniyya: Ease up on the intelligence disclosures

The article in Al-Masriyoun, detailing intelligence information that sources said Hamas had turned over to Egyptian authorities (see prior post), appeared on the morning of Saturday June 23. This morning, the Lebanese paper Al-Akhbar reports that the head of Egyptian intelligence Omar Suleiman phoned Haniyya later that day and asked him to go easy on the revelations because it was a problem for Egypt.

Palestine: Freedom Is What They Want

You might recall how President George W. Bush was wont to wax eloquent on the virtues of democracy and how often he spoke of spreading democracy to the Middle East. You might not recall that there was a free and fair election in the occupied territories last year. Palestinian voters overwhelmingly chose a Hamas government over a slate of candidates offered by Fatah, a secular Palestinian organization.

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