Thursday, October 12

Hamas urges Palestinians to prepare for Israeli invasion

Gaza - The Hamas Movement has urged the Palestinian people to prepare for confronting the "Zionist enemy" that is preparing to invade the Gaza Strip and that is daily killing Palestinians and destroying their property.

The Movement, in a statement on Tuesday issued to commemorate Islamic victories in past Ramadan battles, asked the Palestinian masses to keep up confidence in "Almighty Allah's victory" and in "Our ability to expel occupation from our lands and holy shrines regardless of its military and technical supremacy or its ferocious war machine".

"We should deal with occupation on the basis of challenge and pride and not submission and humiliation," the statement elaborated.

Hamas stressed that resistance was the only means capable of repelling the Israeli enemy and subduing its arrogance, and warned that flexibility and dialogue with this enemy were of no use. Such negotiations rather encourage Israel to increase its aggression and terrorism, the statement underlined.

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